Piano Man - Chapter 9

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“And then your mother threw the lamp and your father dodged it hitting our bandmate Zayn in the head” Liam laughed telling another story from my father’s past. They had a lot of crazy stories a lot of them had to do with my father’s cheekiness and my mother’s insecurities but either way just knowing that they were once in love made me feel better, it gave me hope that maybe if I could get them in the same room again then maybe I would have a real family. Not that my family isn’t a real family, I would just like to have a parent that is home more often and possibly have a brother and father that get along.

“Darcy has a good arm on her herself”  Niall chuckled. “ That’s what happened to our kitchen window”  I turned a slight shade of red embarassed of the fact that I had not been here very long but had already managed to break something. I actually didn’t mind working though because it meant more time with Noah and Ed is a great laid back boss.  I was actually excited to go back and get to talk to Ed more since he was the last person known to see my father. Although he didn’t seem to be very open about talking about it. I also wondered what happened for him to be in a wheelchair because Ed was in their movie  and back then he was running around with the rest of them, being ridiculous. The style back then was way weird.  I continued to nod and laugh along with the adults conversation, completely interested while the others  sat at the table in boredom, especially Robby I could tell that he was upset.

“Speaking of Zayn, when is he coming down?” Shawna asked and then took a sip of her tea.


“I called him after you called me” Liam explained. “He’s waiting for Nour to get out of school and then he said they’ll be here as soon as possible” he added. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing, one then more member of One Direction was coming to help me find my dad.


“What about Louis?” Niall asked seeming a little hesitant.

“I called and it went to the machine right away, six times” Liam looked down at the table. “ He just needs time”

“ Is there any other stories I should know about?” I asked directing the conversation away from the awkward tension. Louis was the man that spoke on the news about my father, and apparently they were the closest. Why wouldn’t Louis not want to find my dad?


“I remember this one time when Louis and I took your mother out for a tour of London” Niall started to chuckle while the others looked at him intently probably not knowing the story either.


“We wanted to pull a prank on the guards knew that your mother wouldn’t be up for what we were thinking, so on the count of three we pants her and we all mooned them” Niall laughed hitting the table, while we all joined in chuckling slightly.


“Why was I never told of this!” Shawna jumped into the conversation. “My best friend  running around with my idols pancing people and she forgot to tell me” Shawna shook her head jokingly.

Piano Man  (Sequel to Isn't She Lovely) -h.s-Where stories live. Discover now