Gilbert Nightray x Reader Sickness

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This is for my buddy @LacieButler! I'm sooooo sorry it took so long!


"Ahchoo!" You sneezed loudly making both you and your Raven haired Boyfriend come to a standstill.

Gilbert widened his eyes as he cocked his head to the side, looking at you as though concern was written all over his face.

"(Y/n), are you alright?" He asked making you instantly look up at him. you removed your hand from your mouth and smiled.

"Of course! My nose just tickled a bit" you exclaimed which made Gilbert raise a brow "are you sure?" He questioned even though he knew that you wouldn't exactly give him a straight answer even if something was amiss.

"Do not be such a worrywart Gil, I am fine" you said as you closed your eyes and waved a hand at him, he scoffed and shook his head once more before setting the paper bag of groceries he had been carrying down and removing his coat.

"Hm what are yo-?" Gilbert set his coat on your shoulders cutting your question off half way "hand me those and put my coat on" he ordered well gesturing to the bag of groceries you held.

You blinked your eyes wide at him for a moment then nodded and placed the bag in his hands.

You grabbed the coat and slipped your arms through the big sleeves, once on you realized just how much bigger your Raven haired Boyfriend was then you and to be honest it made you giggle.

"Heh" you chuckled as you looked at Gilbert, he looked down at you and smiled "There we go, now there's less of a chance of you getting a cold" he said as he went to ruffle your hair.

"Ah! I am not so fragile that I would get a cold from simply going out on a cold day!" You announced as you pouted out your bottom lip, Gil raised a brow then closed his eyes and chuckled.

"Heh you think your so tough" he said as he ruffled your hair which only made you pout more "hmph! I am tough!" You stated well once again taking hold of your grocery bag.

"And I never catch colds! Or get sick for that matter!" You stated as you walked past Gilbert and back towards your way home.

Gilbert looked at you for a moment then let out yet another chuckle "heh I swear.." he shook his head then grabbed his bag of groceries and ran after you.

"Your going to jinx yourself!"


"What did I tell you?" Gil asked with a small grin as he came to stand at your bedside, he set down a tray with what you guessed was medicine on the nightstand and looked at you as you laid in your bed sniffling

You looked at Gilbert then slowly sat up well giving a small, weak sigh. You could tell he was enjoying this way to much.

"Haah I know, I know" you muttered and turned your head down well Gilbert pulled up a chair and sat down beside your bed.

He kept quiet and simply watched as you sulked about being sick. What you said the other day was true, you weren't exactly the type of person to get sick, heck you could practically go a whole year without catching as much as the sniffles.

But now seeing you sick, Gilbert couldn't help but want to watch you.

To him it was adorable, seeing you vulnerable and needing of his help, it was something he knew that he would slimy get the chance to see, so he decided to take in the sight and watch you and your cute display.

Another moment of silence passed and you began to wonder if he was just going to sit there and not say anything the rest of the day.

You sighed a annoyed breath then finally took a glance at the Raven haired male only to find him watching you, now with his elbow resting on his thy and his jaw resting in his hand.

You blinked your eyes wide then instantly turned your head back down 'h-has he been watching me this entire time!?' You thought as a slight pink crept onto your cheeks.

You took another glance at him only this time it seemed that the grin on his face had grown making the pink on your face soon turn to a darker shade.

You turned your eyes back to your sheets "you shouldn't grin like that or else.. it might look like you're happy to see me sick.." you muttered.

Gil widened his eyes "(Y/n).. you know I would neve-" "AHCHOO!" Before he could continue you cut him off with a loud sneeze.

You frowned and narrowed your eyes sleepily, you were obviously tired of this cold not to mention tired of your bad company.

"Ugh.." you grunted as you went to wipe your nose with you nightgown sleeve, only before you could a hanky was there first.

You widened your eyes then looked to the person responsible which was obviously Gilbert "Hey don't give me that look, before i was interrupted I was about to say that I hate the fact that you have a cold just as much as you" he stated.

"Really?" You asked practically monotone as you narrowed your eyes at him, Gil sighed and nodded "Haah of course and actually I'm a bit hurt that you would doubt me.. though-" he paused and looked off.

"Though?" You repeated as you took the hanky from his hand and blew your nose, he turned to you with a light pink on his cheeks.

"I have to admit seeing you like this is cute and somewhat pleasant" he admitted making your eyes grow large.

You scooted away from him a bit "Hey! I didn't mean it in a weird way if that is what you are thinking!" He exclaimed and you stopped.

He looked at your large (E/C) eyes then to the bed "It's just that I thought it was nice.. you being sick and all.. it allowed me to actually be of some help to you unlike most of the time when your always two steps ahead of me.." he muttered with some sadness laced into his tone.

You looked at him confused and well surprised, you never knew that Gilbert felt this way, much less towards you who always thought that you were stepping on his toes.

"Your always shouldering everything and this gave me a opportunity to help.. sorry if that sounds a bit weird..heh" he chuckled weakly, you looked at him for a moment longer then slid your hand over to his and grabbed it.

"It's not weird..everyone wants to help the people they care about.. and see things no one else has seen such as.. my um.. vulnerable side.." you murmured out the last part due to embarrassment.

Gilbert looked at you and smiled which made you smile back "So don't feel dejected okay? I'm really grateful that to have someone like you Gil.." you said which made his face turn a slight pink once again.

Gilbert looked down for a moment then back to you and crawled closer until he could lean in towards your face with ease.

"Ah Gil! I'm sick! I don't want you catching thi-" "I don't care" he stated before pressing his lips on yours in a sweet kiss that lasted a little over a minute.

"Hm I can't tell if it's from the kiss or if your cold is worsening but I think your face has became redder" Gilbert stated as he gave a soft grin.

"Well if I get sicker then you will simply have to make me feel better won't you?" You asked as you pressed your forehead up against his, he smiled.

"That doesn't sound to hard"

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