Leo Baskerville x Reader: Keep Quiet!

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"Hm~ hm~" you happily hummed to yourself as you entered the school library, recently your favorite book released a new volume and you couldn't wait to read it.

You walked over to the fiction section and up to the large shelve that held the series, your eyes scanned the shelve.

'Nineteen..Twenty..Twenty one..Twenty Two..Twenty thre-' your eyes widened 'huh!? Wah!? Where's Twenty three!?!' You mentally screamed.

You frantically searched the shelves, looking to see if they had simply misplaced it.

'No..no no no!!' You fell to your knee's and thunked your forehead against the shelve 'after six long months of waiting...the volume..is gone..' you thought.

"Um..Excuse me" someone asked making you jump and quickly look up "u-uh sorry! Am I in your wa-" you widened your eyes.

When you looked up your eyes met with a large pair of glasses and ruffled purplish/black hair.

You stared at the person for a moment, it was hard distinguishing whether or not the person before you was a girl or a boy, well until they spoke up once again.

"No, it's fine, I just wanted to return this book to it's rightful place" he said and held up the book "ah! I was looking for that volume!" You exclaimed.

"Shh!" You heard from the librarian and you sweat dropped "sorry.." you muttered and scratched the back of your head.

The boy chuckled and you stood up, you patted yourself off and put your hands on your hips.

"Do you like that series?" You asked and he raised a brow "hm..yes, though it has become rather melancholy in it's past few volumes.." he said.

You smiled "yeah, it has.. but I still want to read it, it's kinda had a big influence on my life so I'd feel terrible if I stopped now" you chuckled and the boy looked at you with interest.

"Really?" He asked and you nodded "yep, books have always played a big role in my life. whenever I would be upset or just not feeling right I would open a book and my worries and pain would just go away..it's kind of like..being taken to a whole other world.." your eyes softened.

The boys eyes widened behind his glasses letting you catch a glimpse of his Amethyst irises.

'Whoa..beautiful..' you thought, the boy pushed his glasses up and handed the book out to you "I um..feel the same way about books.." he murmured.

You raised a brow "really!?" You asked and he nodded "that's awesome! Usually when I say that people only laugh, hah" you giggled.

The boy looked at you and you grinned "well anyways I should probably introduce myself hm?" You said and put your hand out.

"My name is (F/n) (L/n), nice to meet you" you said enthusiastically as the boy reached for your hand.

"I'm Leo and it is nice to meet you to Miss (L/n)" he smiled and shook your hand, you frowned your brow.

You chuckled and let go "heh, you can just call me (Y/n), being called 'Miss' creeps me out.." he bowed "oh..alright sorry.."

You widened your eyes and waved your hands "n-No! No! It's fine! Don't bow!" You looked around trying to see if anyone was watching.

You hated to draw attention all you really wanted to do was read books and live your life yet being the niece to Rufus Barma made it rather hard.

Though Rufus, your guardian, did not much care what you did the Barma name was what held most of your problems.

Since you were part of one of the Four Great Dukedoms people would always try and befriend you, telling you many lies to try and get close to your family.

But when you came to the academy you hid your last name and made up a new one at an attempt to try and bring your life some solace.

"Um..why..?" Leo asked as he raised his head, you looked around "um.." you thought whether or not you should explain.

You looked to him and for some reason you felt he wouldn't judge you if you told him "ugh! Okay I'll tell you! Come with me!" You exclaimed as you grabbed his arm.

You pulled him along to your room and shut the door "okay, no one should hear us" you murmured to yourself but Leo heard you.

"Uhah..(Y/n).. what exactly do you mean?" He asked and you released his arm "haah..alright, have a seat and I'll explain" you said and sat on your bed.

After you explained everything you waited for his input "so..you are part of the Barma dukedom..?" He asked to which you nodded.

"I see..hm..well I promise I will not tell anyone but I do have two conditions" he stated and raised two fingers.

You nodded "alright.." "one I am a servant to the Nightray dukedom so I must tell my master" you frowned your brow.

"Whaaa?!" You yelped and he continued "second.. let's become friends.." he smiled "huh!?"

He chuckled "what? I wager you don't have many so why not?" He put his hand out for a handshake, you paused then sighed and nodded.

"Haah...deal.." you shook hands and he grinned "now how about we read that book?" He said.

"Huh? But you've already-"

"It was a good story, I'd like to read it again. Plus I want to see your face when a certain character gets bumpe-"

"NANANA!! Okay fine! but No spoilers!" You announced cutting him off, he smiled "let's start then"

You grunted then the both of you got comfortable and began to read the new volume of your favorite story.

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