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Hello Again! yes I know.. I have been putting in a lot of (A/N)'s recently, just ignore meeee! (No! please don't ignore me! this is important!!)

Anyway Request's are currently CLOSED!

Yes C L O S E D. why you ask? well because I have been getting quite the lot of Requests!

(Not that I hate it! oh no! I love you guys and it makes me so happy that you want to request stories from me!! -Cries in a corner-)

-Wipes tears- Back to the point Request's will be opened once again when I have finished all of my current requests as well as published my New One-Shot book and My Character Guide to my Kevin Legnard + Xerxes Break x Reader story!

Till then you may place your Requests in the comment section of The Writer-San's Note Chapter (The first Chapter) so that you will be one of the first stories to get wrote when I Re-Open the Request Box or just wait until the Request box is officially opened once again and Request then, it's entirely up to you!

(Also there is a List there that contains the x Readers I am currently working on!)

Well till then I hope you enjoy the stories! Have a Wonderful Day~!!!

(★;u;)// Writer-San out!

Pandora Hearts x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now