Leo Baskerville x Reader: Apart

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This is for @ReaBaskerville who requested it! I hope you enjoy!! Thank you for requesting!


You smiled and looked out the widow as you road to the Nightray estate in a carriage along with Gilbert.

Today you were going to meet Gilbert's younger brother, Eliot. you wanted to meet another young member of the four great Dukedoms aside from Oz, Gilbert and your sister Sharon.

Yes Sharon is your sister but not by blood, you were adopted several years back from Finna's House the orphanage run by the Nightray's.

"So (Y/n) Break told you about the Nightray house right?" Asked Gilbert who sat across from you.

You turned to him and nodded "mhmm, he told me about they're ties with Finna's House and that not long ago your younger sibling took in a teenager from there as his Valet.." you said.

"He also said for me to keep an eye out for myself since the Nightray's aren't really to friendly towards other Dukedom houses.." you looked down.

Gilbert sighed and crossed his arms "haah..though that is entirely true there are still some kind souls that dwell within the family" he stated making you look back at him.

"Then I take it that your younger brother is one of them?" You asked and raised a brow, Gilbert nodded.

"Eliot's one of them, Also his Valet is rather nice" he said as he looked out the window of the carriage as it soon came to a halt in front of the Manors front gate.

He opened the door, stepped out and offered you a hand "Thank you" you said well taking his hand and stepping out.

Gilbert realised your hand and gestured for you to turn your head. You did and met Sapphire blue eyes the owner of those eyes was a young man looking about a year or so older then you.

You froze for a moment then Gilbert cut in and introduced the young man before you "(Y/n) this is my younger brother Eliot, he was the one I told you about"

You looked to Gilbert then back to Eliot and put your hand out "It is very nice meeting you Eliot, I'm (Y/n) Rainsworth" you smiled.

He blushed a bit and took your hand in a nice handshake "It..is nice meeting you too.." he seemed somewhat awkward, you figured he was just shy.

He took a step to the side and behind him was a Purplish/Black haired boy with large glasses, your eyes grew large.

"This is my Valet Le-" "Leo?" You said cutting the light blonde teen off, The glasses dawning teen hesitantly answered.

"Hey..(Y/n), it's been awhile.." you were right, it was your best friend from back at the orphanage.

You gleamed, how you wished to one day see him again and now it's happening! who would have guessed it would happen like this?

"Five years to be exact! And you haven't changed a bit!" You exclaimed and went to hug him by stepping forward to which he took a step back.

You paused at this 'Does..Leo not want to touch me?' You thought then lowered your arms back to your sides.

"Leo would you explain?" Eliot asked, clearly confused with the present situation.

Leo looked up to his young master and nodded "oh.. right. How about we go inside first?" Leo asked to which everyone nodded.


"You've known each other that long!?" Eliot said with a shocked expression as he questioned the two of you.

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