Vincent Nightray x Reader: Dolls

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You are a maid working at the Nightray house.

you had finished cleaning the large windows that lined the hallway and were walking down the hall, pushing your hand cart full of cleaning supplies.

the door of a room was slightly open, your curiosity peaked and you just had to look in.

You wondered just who's room it might be 'oh! there they are again!' You thought as you saw dolls laying dormant on the floor in the room, some of them had stuffing coming out.

You pushed the door open and stepped inside 'i wonder if anyone's in here?' You looked around but saw no one.

You kneeled down and picked up one of the dolls "poor little guy, who could have done this to you?" You mumbled to yourself and tugged at the dolls arm which fell off.

"Oh darn.." you picked it up "maybe I'll fix these little guys up? And hand them to the owner since they always seem to be torn up by something.."

You picked the rest of the dolls up and put them on the hand cart 'i hope someone finds out who's torturing these little guys.. I bet it's just a stray cat.. or something..' you though well leaving the room.

The next day the door was open again and more dolls layed on the floor 'what!?' You ran into the room.

"Excuse me, but what are you doing running into my room?" A voice asked from behind you making a chill go up your spine.

You quickly turned around and were met with both Crimson and Golden eyes, you paused to say something since you were to caught up in looking at him.

"Excuse me?" He said which knocked you out of your daze "ah! Yes I apologize! I'm here to clean this..your room!"

He frowned his brow "oh? But I don't remember giving anyone the invitation to enter my room.." you took a step away.

"o-Oh really? Well I do apologize then! I was never informed of such, I'll make sure to avoid your room next time I'm cleaning!"

He paused then chuckled and sighed "'s fine I won't scold you.. so there's no need to act so formal miss maid" he looked over to the dolls in your hands.

" you like those?.." he asked " kind of.. they remind me of a doll I had a long time ago.." you muttered.

"Oh? Well then you can have them.. I know your the one who's been taking them anyway.." you widened your eyes.

'he knew?..was he in the room all those times before?' You thought then shot him a look.

He smiled which scared you a bit, you tightened your grip on the dolls.

"well thank you! I'll be leaving now! Have a nice evening!" You said and pulled your hand cart then ran out the door.

'that guy gave me the chills! But..those eyes...I think..I'd like to get to know more about him...wait..what am I thinking!?' You thought as you ran along the hallway.

A few weeks had passed since your encounter with the different eyed man and you couldn't stop thinking about him.

even though your gut told you he was.bad news your chest still pumped at the thought of him.

Was it love? No it couldn't didn't believe in such a silly thing as love at first sight so how could this possibly be that?

It's probably just the thought of that chill you got when he gave you that smile..that very..unfriendly smile..

You shook your head and grunted  "nrrgh!" You were stitching together a a plush bear you had made from the other torn and ripped doll pieces.

You looked at the toy and held it up "why am I even making this..?" You asked yourself then looked out the widow into the courtyard where you saw one of the other maid talking to a Butler of the house.

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