Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

A Race To Remember.

Natsu's POV

"Well I see your ready for the race, that i'm going to win." I turn around and was greeted by Gray, my friend/rival.

"Yeah like that's gonna happen!" I smirked. We started to brawl until they announced that the race is going to start. We started to walk to our cars, all the girls stared at me as I walked, but I ignored them and kept walking, what can I say? I'm not into those kinda girls.

We got into our cars.

My eyes averted to a blond girl walking across the road and in front of the cars, she was wearing a black mini skirt with a split on the side, a blue bikini top with a denim unzipped vest, and black knee high high heeled boots with her hair up in a messy pony tail.

She held the starting flag at her side, she raised it up, then lowered it quickly starting the race. Me and Gray zoomed past and on to the road. I pasted Gray and raced around.

After the last lap, me and Gray were neck n neck, I could see the finish line and that girl earlier, she was walking back to the middle of the road getting ready to see who would win, I smirked to my self and slowed down, Gray looked confused but raced on, when he pasted the finish line, the flag didn't go flying like usual, but I knew why, I zoomed past the finish line and the flag flew around.

I got out of the car and was confronted by a very proud Gray.

"I won! You lost! what do you have to say about that huh? HUH?" Gray shouted, but right when I was about to say something, that blond girl came up.

"Hold on there hot shot, you didn't win." She said. Huh?! She knew?!

"What do you mean I didn't win?!" Gray shouted.

"When the race started, Pinkie here pasted you when you didn't notice, after he pasted you he had already finished a lap, then lapped you, and you thought that you past him, and after Pinkie slowed down, you took this chance to win, but didn't realize you are only on your last lap." She said.

After that was said Gray turned around and went to his car and went home.

"Hey, how did you kno-" I was cut off by a finger on my lips, I stared at into the girls eyes.

"I may be blonde, but i'm not stupid." I stood dumbfounded at her words, she walked away, I was about to go and ask her out for coffee, but one of the racers approached her.

"Hey babe, wanna come to my place tonight?" the guy asked, thinking that my chance is gone, I started going somewhere else, but what I heard next is something you don't expect from a girl like this one.

"Sorry, but I don't go home with any random stranger." She said, I stood wide eyed, she pushed the guy away and started walking again, I ran up to her.

"Hey, would you like to go with me for some coffee?" I asked, blushing a bit.

"Sure, my names Lucy by the way."

"Im Natsu."


OOOOOOOO a new story! I hope you enjoyed it! I got the idea while listening to a nightcore song XD. I will be publishing the first chapter of 'She's A Dragon Slayer 2' on holloween, i would publish it sooner, but I dont have any ideas for it yet, but if you do, let me know! Bye!





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