Chapter 31

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Andy POV - 

I was so scared and now I was alone. CC had fallen back a few minutes ago to answer a phone call, I have a feeling he won't be coming back. That means it's just me now. 

I wish I'd gotten the pain relief while I had the chance, I wouldn't have minded the pain so much if Ashley was here with me to calm me down. I bet he'd be shaking worse than me right now if he was here or he'd be laying on the floor, passed out. 

I felt shooting pains all through my lower body which made me cry out. I don't know if I can do this. 

A nurse came over to me, handing me a small tube, "It will help with the pain. Just breathe in and out of the tube" she told me and I did as instructed. I knew this was some type of gas, but at this point I didn't care as long as it would help me in any way. 

I can't believe I'm about to deliver Ashley's child and he isn't even here to see it happen. That thought hurt me so freaking much. He's going to be crushed when he finds out. 

That is if he even wakes up....

No. I shouldn't be thinking like that. I have to stay strong for myself and the baby. 

"Okay Andrew, you can start pushing when you feel ready" one of the doctors told me. 

I nodded and gave a hard push while holding onto a rail on the bed. I felt tears running down my face. I couldn't do this. It hurts so much. 

I tried to catch my breath for a moment before I gave another few pushes. 

I fell back against the bed and closed my eyes for a few moments. I heard the doors to the hospital room opening and there were footsteps coming towards the bed. 

"CC.. That phone call had better have been importa----" I was cut off when I opened my eyes to reveal Ashley standing at my bedside.

I broke down into more tears then loosely wrapped my arms around him. I sobbed into his shoulder and buried my hands in his long black hair. 

"Andy I can't leave you alone for a day without you ending up in hospital" he teased before kissing me on the cheek. 

I pulled away from him slowly and glanced into his dark brown eyes. I'm so happy he's okay. 

I then noticed he was on crutches and he was still covered in bandages. Which was to be expected after all. He gave me the most beautiful smile before lacing his fingers with mine. 

It was the perfect moment until I felt another damn pain in my stomach. I groaned in pain and squeezed Ashley's hand.

"Babe, you can do it. I'm here with you now and I'm never leaving your side again" he whispered then kissed my forehead.

After almost 20 minutes, I heard the best news of my life.

"Just one more push" the doctor told me. 

Thank goodness. I looked at Ashley, who instantly gave me a reassuring smile. I took a deep breath and gave one final push. A few seconds after, the room was filled with a loud scream coming from the infant that the doctor was now holding.  

Ashley let go of my hand and disappeared from my sight, probably to cut the cord. 

I closed my eyes and rested my head back against the pillows, completely exhausted. I wonder if it's a boy or a girl. 

A hand on my shoulder quickly brought me out of my thoughts. I opened my eyes and was met by the brown eyes of my fiancé. He was holding our baby, wrapped in a fluffy white blanket. 

"It's girl" he whispered, holding the infant out to me. I gently took her from him and glanced at our little princess.

She was tiny and fragile with bright blue eyes, looking straight up at me. She was perfect. I've only known her for a few minutes, but she's stolen my heart already. 

I turned to Ashley, who was now sat on the bed beside me and gave him a soft smile, "Thank you.." I whispered and rested my head against his shoulder, letting a few tears fall. 

"For what?" He chuckled softly as he ran his fingers through my hair.

"Give me something I always dreamed of... a loving family" 

|| Might get another chapter up in a bit if this part does well ♡

Baby names people?!?!

***Please comment***

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