Chapter 22

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When I woke up the next morning, Jake wasn't laying next to me. I felt kinda sad as I loved seeing his beautiful smile in the morning. I got out of the bunk and walked towards the kitchen still wearing just my loose sweatpants. 

I found Andy and Ashley sat at the table in the kitchen, talking about some random shit as usual. I walked over to the fridge and grabbed a cold bottle of water.

"Where's Jake?" I asked as I turned around to look at the guys.

Andy looked away from me and Ashley sighed before replying to me, "He left to help the crew set up the venue again. You'd better get ready to since we're all leaving in about an hour"

"Shit, what time is it?!"

"Nearly 5 o'clock" Ashley said laughing slightly.

"Aw man! Why didn't you guys wake me?!" I whined and ran a hand through my messy hair.

"Why? So you could go out and fuck someone else while Jake is out!" Andy yelled as he stood up and stormed out of the room.

The smile quickly left my face as I slid down the wall and buried my head in my hands. 

"Hey, don't listen to him. He's just having horrible mood swings. He yelled at me earlier for taking a sip of water from his batman glass" Ashley chuckled and keeled down beside me, placing a hand on my back.

"I feel terrible about it Ash.. and there's nothing I can do about it" I mumbled before letting out a quiet sob. 

Ashley quickly wrapped his arms around me and rubbed my back softly, "It'll be okay" he whispered.

We sat like that for a while until I decided to get ready for the concert. 

**Time skip to concert**

All of us were waiting backstage for our time to walk on. The opening bands were great tonight. I could wait to get out there tonight though and play all my troubles away on the drums. It helped a hell of a lot usually.

I could hear all the fans chatting 'Black Veil Brides!'. It made me smile, I love the fans so much. I'm definitely going to the VIP tonight. 

I turned around and saw Jake sat down on one of the boxes with his hand on his stomach. 

"What's wrong?" I asked him, placing a hand over his.

"I want to go home.. I'm tired and I miss Legacy.." he mumbled before standing up. 

"You'll be home before you know it" I told him and gave him a comforting smile. 

He nodded and hugged me gently. I wrapped my arms around his waist then kissed his forehead, "You'll do great tonight as always. I love you" I whispered then kissed his forehead before looking at Ashley who was standing next to us. 

"It's time to go on now" he said, smiling. Ashley was wearing ripped jeans, cowboy boots and a police man's hat. 

I rolled my eyes and chuckled as I walked up the stairs to my drum kit. All the fans started screaming again.

I sat down and took out my favourite drum sticks with my name on them. I smiled and spun them around my fingers a few times before looking over at Jake. He's my motivation to play my very best tonight. 

**Time skip to VIP session**

I was signing the back of a girls phone case when I felt someone grab my butt. I shrieked like a girl and turned around to see Jake laughed quietly. 

"Not funny, Mr Pitts. I could sue for sexual harassment" I chuckled before we sneaked away to a small room in the back of the venue. "I hope no one saw us" I said as I closed the door. 

Before I had the chance to speak again, Jake was kissing me against the door. He pulled away after a few moments and I could see tears building up in his eyes, "I just had to do it one more time.." 

"W-What do you mean?" I asked nervously as he stepped away from me.

"CC.. I've given it a lot of thought and I think we should just be friends" 

Those words hit me like daggers in the back. He seemed so happy a few minutes ago. What changed?

"Jake.. no.. I don't want to lose you.." I mumbled and grabbed his hands.  

"Sorry" he replied and pulled his hands away before leaving the room quickly.

I felt like my heart had been ripped out. 

I left the room quietly and walked back to the VIP room to find Ashley. Once I found him, I tapped his shoulder and he turned around with a smile on his face.

"Do you want to come for a drink with me?" I asked, not really wanting to stay here anymore. 

"Yeah sure. I'll just go tell Andy. Meet me outside" he said then ran off. 

I nodded before leaving the venue. I didn't want to run into Jake. I'd probably just break down in front of him.

|| Yeah I'm back. Had a bit of inspiration from a tv show this morning, so I decided to write this. 

Thanks for reading so far! ♡

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