Chapter 28

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Jake POV - 

I had spent the morning doing some easy work out sessions while CC played some random shooting game on the Xbox. I decided to grab a bottle of water from the fridge when I felt arms wrap tightly around my waist from behind. 

"Hey baby, You all done working out for today?" He whispered into my ear before kissing my neck.

"I suppose I am. Maybe I can do some more before bed tonight" I turned around and kissed him gently.

He returned the kiss then picked me up and carried back to the bed with my dogs running around his feet. He lay me down then got on top of me, "I love you, Jake"

"I love you too, CC" I winked then gave him a quick kiss before Ernie jumped on the bed and stared at the taller man above me before barking at him.

"Why does he hate me now?! I'm not hurting Jakey, I promise" he whined as Ernie even though he continued to bark.

"Just put him in the back room and shut the door. We have unfinished business, Mr Coma~" I winked as he quickly jumped off me and took the dogs to the other room.

I moved into a more comfortable spot on the bed until I heard a horrible cry, coming from Legacy's room. I got up and ran as fast as I could, but when I got there CC was already holding her in his arms. 

"What happened?" I asked, looking at my daughter who had tears running down her face.

"I think she dropped her teddy, but she's alright now" he told me before kissing Legacy's forehead which made her giggle.

I can't wait until this new baby is born. 

CC placed Legacy back into her crib and we decided to leave the room. However Legacy held up her arms again and started crying, "I guess she doesn't want to go back to sleep just yet" I said as I picked my daughter up and rocked her gently.  

"Well let's watch a movie together as a family~" CC said excitedly as he ran off back to my room. I followed closely behind with Legacy holding onto my shirt with her little fingers. 

I stepped into the room and saw CC sat on the edge of the bed with his phone held to his ear. 

"Yes I understand. I'll let him know right away" he said down the phone and my heart skipped a beat. Was it something to do with me? Or the guys? Something is definitely not right.

CC hung up the phone and stood up to face me. I was so scared. The way CC looked was enough indication that something horrible has happened.

"W-What is it..?" I asked, taking a step forward.

CC stayed silent for a long moment until I heard him take a deep breath, "I-It's Ashley..." 

My eyes opened wide and it felt like my heart stopped. 

"Is he....?" 

|| Sorry :(

Next chapter coming up if this does well!! ♡

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Love You More Than I Can Ever Scream- Sequel to Janxx MpregWhere stories live. Discover now