Chapter 15

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Andy POV - 

I sat up slowly in bed with Legacy still in my arms. I couldn't sleep, I had too much on my mind right now. I glanced over at Ashley that was surprisingly looking up at me.

"Sorry did I wake you?" I asked quietly as he sat up and wrapped an arm around my waist. 

"I didn't fall asleep, so I guess you couldn't have woken me up" he chuckled softly before kissing my cheek.

"You could have said something, I would have spoken to you for a while" I pouted then began chewing my lip ring.

"It was peaceful and I enjoyed it while it lasted" 

"Gee thanks" I stuck my tongue out at him and he did the same back. "Ash, Can I talk to you seriously for a moment?" 

"Yeah sure babe. What's on your mind?" He said as he moved into a more comfortable position on the bed before focusing his full attention on me.

"Well, I don't really know how to say it and I don't know how you're going to react.. but I hope you won't be mad" I whispered as I took one of his hands. 

"Andy you can tell me anything" he gave me a comforting smile and squeezed my hand.

I took a deep breath and glanced down at Legacy that was still asleep in my arms. I can do this.

"Ashley.. I..----" 

Suddenly there was a knock at the door. 

"Hold that thought babe" Ashley said before going to answer the door.

My heart was beating so fast and I hadn't even told him yet. I felt like crying or screaming, but that would just frighten Legacy and Ashley.

I sighed and got up to follow Ashley to the door.

It was Jake and CC, they was laughing and.. holding hands.. 

It must be official between them now then. 

"Is everything okay now?" Ashley asked and Jake nodded with a smile on his face. Nice to see him happy again.

"How about you and Andy stay over our place tonight? We can watch a few movies and order take out" Jake said talking to Ashley. 

The bassist looked at me as if to get permission from me. I gave him a nod in return before walking over to CC and handing him Legacy.

"Aw thanks so much for taking care of her! Hope she didn't give you guys any trouble" CC laughed then kissed the infants forehead.

"We're always happy to have her" I replied before taking Ashley's hand gently. 

CC and Jake looked like a real family now. It was great to see them both so happy. 

"Me and CC have something to tell you both" Jake said, looking at us both. 

Me and Ashley just nodded to show we understood.

"Well I'm sure you both guessed by now that me and CC are dating now.. but I'm also nearly 3 months pregnant with his child" 

It was silent for a few moments until Ashley hugged both Jake and CC, "Congratulations guys! That's awesome news!" 

"We just wanted you guys to know. We was gonna tell you tonight but it seemed easier to do it now" Jake said before placing a hand onto his stomach.

"That's alright, thanks for telling us! What time did you want us over tonight anyway?" Ashley asked as he wrapped an arm around my shoulders.

"About 8?" CC replied with that same goofy grin on his face. 

"Okay, we'll see you then" the bassist replied as the other two left the apartment after we had all said our goodbyes.

Ashley closed the door then looked towards me, "Well that's some pretty good news for them. Can't believe they're dating. I thought CC would just have the same secret crush forever" he chuckled then began walking over to me.

"Ashley, I'm pregnant" 

The words came out suddenly and caught him completely off guard. I can't believe I'd just come out and said it. 

I saw the shock on Ashley's face and the colour drain from his cheeks. 

Without any warning he fell to the floor like a ton of bricks. 

|| Hope you're all enjoying this story so far!! 

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