Chapter 29

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Andy POV - 

The other end of the phone was quiet for a moment, but I was still trying to gather my thoughts. My heart was in my throat, I could hardly get my words out.

"CC.. what's happened..?" I asked finally, choking on a few works.

Again some more agonising seconds of silence.

"Ashley's bike was hit by a drunk driver. He's badly hurt, but he's alive.." 

I broke down into tears and fell to my knees. No it can't be. It's gotta be some sick fucking joke.

"Andy, I'll come over and get you right now. Just wait there" with that CC hung up and I dropped my phone to the floor. 

I covered my eyes with my hands as I cried. All I could think off was Ashley laying on the side of the road, covered in blood and slowly dying. Fuck! Why him?! 

Within about 5 minutes, there was a knock at the door before it opened to reveal CC. He picked me up off to floor and helped me walk outside to his car. 

CC placed me in the passenger seat before getting into the drivers side, "It's gonna be alright, He's alive. Ashley's a strong guy, he'll pull through this" CC said as he started the car.

I noticed that Jake wasn't in the car, I guess he has to look after Legacy. I wish he was here though. I placed a hand on my stomach and began crying again.  

"I don't want our baby to grow up without their daddy..." I whispered as I rubbed my swollen belly. 

"Don't think like that.. He'll be fine" CC said giving me a stern look. 

I nodded slowly and wiped away a few tears as we arrived outside the hospital. Once we had parked, I got out of the car and walked as fast as I could to the entrance of the hospital and grabbed the closest nurse.

"I'm looking for Ashley Purdy" I said with CC standing behind me. 

"Room 126, I'll show you the way" she replied before walking down a corridor with me and CC trailing closely behind.

After a walk that seemed to go on forever, we arrived at a room and thanked the nurse quickly before entering the room.

Ashley was hooked up to all sorts of machines and I could see bandages wrapped around his arms, shoulders and torso. Probably some on his legs too, but I couldn't see since half of his body was covered in a blue sheet. 

His breathing was very rapid and the heart monitor was beeping very fast. 

I started crying. I couldn't take it. It's all too much. 

I slowly walked over to the bed and placed my hand over his. "A-Ashley.. please don't leave us.." I whimpered and squeezed his hand softly. 

After a few minutes of silence, CC made me sit down on the chair beside the bed while he went to get me something to drink.

I was just staring at Ashley, hoping he would suddenly just wake up and say everything was fine.. but I knew that was foolish of me to think. 

I'd give anything for a hug from him right now. But I was so scared of hurting him. He was probably in so much pain right now.. I didn't even want to think about it.

I squeezed his hand tightly as a few tears fell, I didn't want to lose him. Not now. Not ever.

I looked over the other side of the room to see Ashley's sleeveless biker jacket (the one he was wearing this morning), pretty much intact expect for a few scratches on the shoulder areas. 

Before I knew it, CC had returned holding a bottle of water for me and a cup of coffee for himself. He took the seat next to me and handed me the water, "You okay?" 

"Just worried and stressed out.." I whispered and looked at Ashley again.

"It'll be alright" he gave me a comforting smile. 

I smiled back at him then took a sip from my bottle of water. Maybe he's right.

After almost an hour, I could see CC was beginning to fall asleep in the chair beside me, "You can go home if you like CC.. Jake is probably worried sick" 

"Are you sure you are gonna be alright?" He asked as he stood up.

"Yeah, I'll be fine" I gave him a gentle smile then watched as he walked towards the door and opened it.

Suddenly I felt probably the most horrible pain I've ever had in my life. I felt like I couldn't breathe and it hurt so much. "CC.. w-wait!" I cried out in pain. 

"Andy what's wrong?" He asked in a blind panic, running back over to me.

I felt a warm sensation in my lower body and I realised what had happened. 

"My waters have broke..." 

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