Chapter 19

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*2 months later*

Jake POV - 

Our new tour had started just over a week ago, as a band we decided to do a 'small' tour of the UK and US before taking some time off so me and Andy could have the babies. It was nice to tour again, but it just wasn't the same without Jinxx. I missed him.

I also missed Legacy. I couldn't bring her with me on a tour, especially to the UK. My father quickly took up the offer of looking after Legacy which I greatly appreciated. 

There was a concert tonight and I was exhausted. I had horrible nights sleep, not to mention my back was killing me. I slowly got out of my bunk and decided to get ready for tonight. It was around 4:30 and I wanted to get to the venue early to help set everything up as I usually did.

I put on my boots and a Slipknot shirt with some ripped skinny jeans before sorting out my hair quickly in the mirror. I sighed softly and looked down at my stomach. I wasn't very large considering I'm 5 months pregnant. I was getting kind of worried, but I knew that stressing over it will just make things even worse. 

I rubbed my stomach gently as I left the tour bus and walked towards the venue just a few blocks away. 

I've noticed that this last week, CC has been acting very strange. He doesn't come into my bunk and cuddle with me at night, he just goes out drinking and forgets about me. He sleeps nearly all day, until he has to wake up for a concert so I've hardly seen him all week unless it's on stage. 

I feel like everything is crashing around me. I missed Legacy, I missed my dogs, I missed my home.. I missed Jinxx. 

I arrived at the venue we'd be playing at tonight and found a few crew members already setting up a few things around the stage. I helped out for a few hours until everything was set up and the other band members started to arrive. 

**Time skip**

During Fallen Angels, I was focused on my guitar until something caught my eye. A group of girls. Wearing war paint the same style as Jinxx. Fuck that hurt. 

All I've thought about lately is him. Especially because nothing seems to be taking my mind off it.  At least before I had Legacy, my dogs and CC to keep me company. Now I'm all alone in my thoughts. 

"This next song is called 'The Mortician's Daughter'. We are dedicating this song to the amazing Jinxx! We love you buddy!" Andy yelled into the microphone and the fans began screaming. 

I let myself smile. My angel.

**Time skip again**

Soon after the concert I walked backstage to meet the VIP fans and sign a few things. I looked around for CC but he wasn't there. That's strange, he never misses the chance to meet the fans.

After about an hour or so, I returned to the bus, feeling completely exhausted and kinda sick. I really need CC right now, I needed a hug. 

I got onto the bus and walked through the bunk room and opened the door. I wish I hadn't. I wish I'd never come here.

CC was having sex with a random woman in his bunk. He turned around and looked me in the eye before trying to cover himself up.

I slammed the door shut and ran out of the bus with tears running down my face. That freaking asshole!

|| Next chapter will be up tomorrow.

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Love You More Than I Can Ever Scream- Sequel to Janxx MpregWhere stories live. Discover now