Goodbye Date

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V's pov

As soon as I woke up, I head to the bathroom to wash up and put on my couple shirt and head toward hyuna's room.

As I knock on her door, she came and open it, half asleep.

"Happy birthday, hyuna!" I shouted and she jumped.

"Ya, you scared me." She said, "it's not my birthday."

"I know. But to me, today is your birthday. " I said.

"Tch, arrasso."

"Hurry, go wash up, we have places to go." I said.

"Where?" She ask.

"Places... it's a surprise."

"Tch, arrasso. Wait, I'll go wash up." She said as she head to the bathroom.

"Okay." I said smiling.

After she finish washing up, I handed her a shirt, a couple shirt.

"Put this on." I said.

"Whats this?" She ask.

"A couple shirt.. I ask taeyeon and she said that girls love these stuff." I replied.

"Ah..." she took the shirt and head inside her room to change. After she came out, we both head out.

Since I dont know how to drive yet, I ask taeyeon to take us.. since it's going to be a surprise for hyuna, I can't let her drive.

When we arrive at the amusement park, we both bid our goodbyes to taeyeon and head inside.

Our first ride we went to was called a rollar coaster. As we ride the rollar coaster, hyuna hold onto my hand as we both scream. After the ride, I hold on to her shoulder to keep my balance and she laugh at me.

"Ooh, hyuna, let's get this." I said excitedly as I point to the fluffy pink thing.

"Arrasso." She paid for it and give me some.

"hyuna, what are these call? Theyre sweet." I said eating it.

"It's cotton candy." She replied.

"Cotton candy? Oh.. theyre good." I said and she laugh.

"Hyuna! Lets try that!" I shouted as I ran to this game thing where you pop the balloon and then get a prize.

Hyuna paid for it and we both play it. I got a big Teddy since I pop more balloon and hyuna got a small one.

"V, let's go on that." Hyuna finally suggested something.

I look over to where she pointed and saw a boat like ride.

"Okay." I said.

As we got on, the boat go back and forth which didn't seem very scary until it went higher.

After that ride, we both went inside the gift shop and bought two Mickey ears headband.

"Hyuna, are you hungry?" I ask when it started to get dark and she nodded.

I call taeyeon to come pick us up, and since I ask her to prepare some stuff for me to cook, I ask Jin to teach me how to cook, that one day when I went to watch them record.

When we got home, there were ingredients on a table in the backyard and a big light stand next to it.

"What is this?" Hyuna ask.

"You said you were hungry."

"Yeah, but... don't tell me you're going to cook." She ask and I smiled.

Kim Taehyung, The Living Anime( Bts v fanfiction){Completed}Where stories live. Discover now