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After moving the child to a room, v and I left since it was getting dark. Before we left, I ask one of the nurse if there was any orphanage for the child and she said yes, so the kid will be staying at a orphanage after he get discharge.

*An hour later*

"Can I ask you something?" V ask.

"What is it?"

"How did you know about the child?"

"I heard him crying when I was heading to the...um...somewhere I forgot where I was heading to." I lied.

"Oh. So, what happen to that lady? " he ask.

"She went to jail. " I replied.

"Wow.... I don't understand humans, why would you hit a child who is your own? I mean, even if their not your own, why should you hit them like everyone is a human being aren't they?"

"Well, you're not a human being." I said.

"I know." He said.

*At home*

"I'm going to go finish my homework." I said.

"Let's cook something first." He said.

"Like what?" I ask.

"Hm... since we bought pork, let's grill!" He said happily.

"Okay." I said and make my way to the kitchen with v following behind.

V took out the pork from the fridge while I set up everything.

After we got everything set up, we sat down and started eating.

"Mmm, delicious! " v said.

"Tch, aren't you exaggerating it too much?" I said.

"Fine, urg! It taste so bad!.. Is that better? " he ask and I nodded "Wow."

"Ah" he said as I pick up a piece of pork from the grill.

"Eat it yourself, you have hands don't you?" I said and put the meat in my mouth.

"Arrasso. " he said and pouted. " 'ah ' haeba. " he offered one to me.

"I can eat it myself." I said.


"Urg, fine." I said and open my mouth.

"Say Ah." He said.

"Ah.." I obeyed. And he feed me it.

"Wah, good girl." He said and pat my head then smile.

There's something unique about his smile, I don't know how to explain it but it makes you want to smile just by looking at it , if you know what I mean.

Without me knowing it, I smiled back.

"Oh, you smiled." He said.

"Yeah, so?" I said.

"Nothing." He said still smiling.

After we finish eating, I quickly cook something for me to eat tomorrow for lunch. I don't eat school lunch.

V suggest us to play a game to see who get to wash the dishes.

"What game should we play?" He ask.

"I don't know." I replied.


"Thumb war?" I suggested.

"What's that?" He ask.

"Here give me your hand." I said and he did so. I demonstrated to him.

"Oh, okay!" He said.

"1,2,3,4 I declare a thumb war." I said.

Since V's hands were, how should I say this, huge? Any way, he won.

"Can't you do it? I have to do my homework." I ask.

"Hmm, no. But, I can help you wash them." He said.

"Okay." I said. V and I bring the dishes to the sink and started washing it. V washed it and I rinse it. As we were washing the dishes, v keep splashing the water at me. I did the same thing back.

"Ya!" I yelled when he put the soap on the tip of my nose.

"Oh bien ne. I'll help you wipe it off." He said and wipe it with the same hand that have the soap. He then went from my nose to my cheeks.

"Ya!" I yelled and get some soup and did the same thing to him.

"Ah ,ya!" He yelled.

"Oh bien ne, I'll wipe that off for you." I copied him.

"ya!" He yelled and I laugh. He also laughed.

*A few minute later*

After we finish washing the dishes, I wipe off the soap on my face and went to do my homework as v went to wash up.

After finishing my homework and v finished taking a shower, I head to the bathroom with a towel and my PJ's and wash up.

When I came out and head to my bedroom, v was sleeping on my bed. I walk over to him and wake him up.

"You're not sleeping here." I said.

"Where am I suppose to sleep then? I'm not sleeping on the sofa again. " he said.

"There's an extra room here, you can go sleep in there." I said.

"Okay." He got up and head out the door, I followed out after him. He went straight to the extra room. How did he know that it's this room? I didn't even tell him.

"Wait, how did you know that it's this room?" I ask.

"Oh, um.. because it's the only room here isn't it?" He said. He seem to be hiding something though.

"Oh, Yeah." I replied.

As he went inside and clean the room, I went to get some blanket and pillows for him.

"Here you go." I set the blankets and pillows on the floor next to a drawer.

"Okay. Thank you." He said.

"Goodnight." I said heading to the door.

"Goodnight." He said as I close the door behind me. I head to my bedroom and turn off the light and try to sleep.
Where have I seen her before? I thought as I remember the child's mom in the picture.

After all that thinking, it wouldn't come to my mind, so I decided to sleep.

Kim Taehyung, The Living Anime( Bts v fanfiction){Completed}Where stories live. Discover now