V, the anime?

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Hyuna 's pov

"V!" I shouted when I saw the guy with the gun pointing at him.

The guy fired the gun at v. But, v vanish before the bullet get to him. I stood there shock. V then reappear at the other corner with his head looking down at through floor.

"Bwo ya?! The guy said. I could tell that he was scared.

"Boys!" He said to the other guys and signal them to hit v.

V walk toward me as he punch the guys and took me by the hand. A beam of light suddenly appear from his necklace and we both disappear.

The guys pov

"Bwoya! Where did they go!" I yelled.

"Boss! The police are here." One of the guys said.

I look out turn window and saw 2 police cars outside.

"Aish! Chinja! Ya! Run!" I yelled and we all ran outside and away from the building but the police caught us.

At the police station

"So you're saying that two people came and you guys started to fight then a beam of light appear and then they vanish?" The police said.

"That's what I'm saying!" I yelled. "Even these guys saw it." I said pointing to the guys and they nodded.

"If youre going to made up a story, make it more believable. By the way, isnt this like a scene in the drama 'my love from another star'?" the police said and close his laptop.

"It's not made up! I even shoot him with the gun and and he vanish!" I stood up from my chair.

"You shoot him?" The police ask.

"Ahem." I cleared my throat and sat back on my chair.

Hyuna's pov

I open my eyes and saw that we were at home.

"Woah! That was awesome! " he said and stand up. I still sitting on the floor thinking about what just happen.

How did we get here? Did the ghost did that? What was that? And that beam of light look like that one from the drawer. Is he really from the book?

"That necklace is what bring him here." She said pointing to v who's standing next to a shelf full of manga.

"What are you talking about?" I ask.

"He is your guardian that I made to protect you." She explain.

"What?" I said still lost but instead of answering me she laugh instead.

"I can't tell you anything, that's the rule." She said still laughing.

"Rule? What rule? " I said.

"Let's just say... hmm.. it's fate.. okay?"
"By the way, who are you?" I said.

"Me? I, the one with this gaze and smile, am v the warrior of Shika village " He replied sitting up on the sofa and then smile.
I open the book to the first page and read it. Some of the stuff he was talking about earlier were in here, like the village and a warrior name v . Yup he's those dork who act out characters. When I got to a page where it shows his face, I thought that it look familiar, I look up at this dude in front of me and it almost look exactly alike.

"Yah neo (hey you) , is it just me or does this look like you?" I ask him showing him the picture.

"That's because it is me. Wow Im such a good warrior, they even make a book for me." He said.

Kim Taehyung, The Living Anime( Bts v fanfiction){Completed}Where stories live. Discover now