Chapter 28 - Just Send Help

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Chapter 28 – Just Send Help

Dora wasn’t trying to escape until she found her brother. She didn’t know what was going on, but based on the behavior of the other students they had become zombies. Once the chaos started, she hid inside an incomplete garden shed they were building in shop for the class project. A few others hid with her, but one by one they left and never returned. She got tired of waiting, armed herself with a piece of sharpened wood and went out searching for her brother, Hector.

She paced herself in the bloody halls, not wanting to end up zombie food. Dora didn’t have a plan for what she would do once she found her brother, but she knew he would have some ideas. Though he was a jerk at times, she looked up to her brother and took his advice. He managed to make it to the top of the social ladder and befriend those who were considered popular. She kept walking until she spotted a body ahead, on the hall floor, wearing her brother’s sneakers. Dora rushed down the hall to discover Hector with a hole in his head. He was a zombie, already taken out by somebody else.

Dora dropped down beside her brother as the tears started to flow. “How? You’re too strong for this.”

She was finding it hard to believed she out lived him. A chirping sound from his pocket interrupted her mourning. She dug into his pocket to discover he managed to sneak his cellphone into school. Dora checked to discover he only had two percent battery life. She could call her parents and break the news or the cops and save those who were still inside like her.

Dora decided to do the right thing. “My name is Dora and I’m calling from Harrison High. There’s death everywhere. This isn’t a prank call, but I think my classmates are all turning into zombies.” She started to cry harder as the operator questioned for more info. “Please, just send help.”

The phone went dead and Dora set it down on the floor. Growling sounds met her ear and she looked over her shoulder to discover a pack of zombies coming. She glanced in the other directions of the hall to discover more zombies roaming. Dora couldn’t abandon her brother and she knew she had a small chance of escaping. She lay down next to Hector, shut her eye, played dead and hoped the zombies would fall for the trick or for help to arrive.

Dr. Ford and Dr. Milo had listened to the police tape many times and worked along with the cops to confirm Dora’s claim was true. They wished they could do something to save young Dora and those trapped inside with her, but they couldn’t risk the outbreak spreading to outside the school. Nobody was willing to venture inside the school, it up to the student and staff members to prove their humanity and break out themselves. Dr. Ford and Milo put together a report and had to present to their boss, Dr. Sidnee.

The woman sat across from them in her office. “Explain.”

Dr. Ford went first. “We were tasked to create a rejuvenation energy drink. My colleague and I went to great lengths to create something that would provide a great boost of energy. We experimented on two frogs and based on collected reports, our serum killed the frogs, revived them and somehow turned into flesh eating monsters. I suppose the more mainstream term is zombies.”

“After those results, we froze the frogs, deposed of them and called for toxic cleanup. Another scientist didn’t inform us that he was allowing a science teacher and student to take some of our other non-toxic deposed frogs. They weren’t supervised so it’s heavily likely our two toxic frogs were taken with the bunch and that explains how it’s connected to the event at the school.”

Dr. Sidnee sighed. “This is a mess. How are we going to clean this up?”

“We’ve been talking with the cops and decided exactly forty eight hours after the distress call-“

“-The school should be exterminated,” Dr. Milo finished.

Dr. Sidnee nodded in approval. “I’ll contact the government to get approval. Good day gentlemen.”

As the destruction of the school was being confirmed, Kyle, John, Brand, Mo and Nova were crawling through vents in hope of finally escaping. 

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