Chapter 11

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~Harry's POV~

My lips parted in shock and my eyebrows rose in surprise. I didn't know what to do. My breath was caught in my throat and I felt like I couldn't speak. This can't be real.

Nothing like this could ever happen to me. This has to be a joke. I swore to myself that I'd never beleive it if someone told me they love me. I'm unloveable. But he didn't say that he loves me, he said that he likes me. Does that mean I should believe him? Can I trust him?

It's kind of funny to know that this is all I've ever dreamed about. It's all I've ever wanted and now that it's happening, all I can do is overthink the situation.

I still haven't said anything back to him yet and I really felt like crying. My biggest wish finally came true but I managed to fuck it up in less than 40 seconds. Nice going, dumbass. You can't do anything right.

Louis was anxiously bouncing his leg up and down as he waited for me to say something. He looked around the room for the door and once his eyes landed on it, I knew that if I didnt speak up, he'd leave. It felt like I was frozen, I wanted to say something but at the same time, I also didn't. This could only end badly, right?

He frantically stood up and started running to the door. I knew that one of us would end up hurt and heartbroken, but no matter how much my mind screamed for me to let him leave, my heart told me something different.

I quickly rushed over to him and grabbed his hand. The force of my pull against his caused him to turn towards my direction and bump into me. I pushed my thoughts and fears to the back of my mind, and let the overwhelming desire I had for him take over.

He tried to move away from me but I slid my arm around his waist and pulled him in close. He was breathing heavily and I could feel the rise and fall of his chest against mine.

"Dont leave." I spoke the words in a soft, hushed tone and watched as he searched my eyes for something.

"You like me?" I asked insecurely.

"A lot." A huge dimpled smile slipped onto my face and his eyes shone with hope.

"I like you too, boo." His mouth curled up into a big goofy grin as soon as the words left my mouth.

"That rhymes." He let out a small chuckle and my heart swelled with love for the blue eyed shorty standing in front of me.

The rest of the day consisted of hidden touches and stares. When school ended, instead of going home like we originally would've, Louis asked if I wanted to go to the park with him.

The walk was filled with a comfortable silence. It was as if no words needed to be said, we were both just enjoying each others company.

A sudden gush of wind sent goosebumps throughout my body and I let out a small gasp from the unexpected cold. Louis heard and his face turned into one of concern. He cares. I bit my lip to supress a smile from the thought.

"Whats wrong? Are you cold, baby?" Butterflies appeared in my stomach and I nodded a little in response. He just called me baby.

Right after I nodded, he unzipped his jacket and started taking it off. Just as I was about to ask what he was doing, the soft material of his coat landed on my shoulders.

He held the front of it closed to keep the warm air in and brushed his hand against mine. He intertwined our fingers and brought them up to his face. He placed a small kiss on the front of my hand and let his thumb move steadily in a comforting motion.

I'm Not Okay ☞ StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now