Chapter 6

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So apparently Louis' gonna be a dad? Idk I mean If Briana really is pregnant could someone please explain why she's out clubbing, drinking and smoking??? Don't get me wrong, I support the boys unconditionally. It just doesn't make sense to me.

~Harry's POV~

I'm currently in between periods so I hurried over to my locker and grabbed the books I needed for my next class.

I was about to walk away but someone tapped my shoulder. When I turned around, I was met with some blonde haired bloke. He gave me a smile before speaking.

"Do you know where Mrs.Vultons room is? I've been looking for a while but I'm new here so I don't really know my way around yet." He had a thick Irish accent.

I rose my eyebrows not understanding why he asked me. He did say he was new here though. He probably doesn't know who I am yet.

"Yeah, I'm in her class too. I can walk you if you want?"

He gave me an even bigger smile than before. "Thanks, mate. I'm Niall by the way."

I smiled back "Harry."

On the way to Mrs.Vultons room, I learned that he moved here from Ireland with his older brother Greg due to a promotion his dad was given. He didn't mind it though, as he said, 'sometimes change can be good.'

He told a lot of jokes and had a really carefree personality. He had the type of laugh that made other people want to join in and laugh with him. And that's exactly what I did. During the few minutes I've known him, I've laughed more than I had in what felt like ages.

I don't know why I'm so comfortable around him. He's a likable person, he makes it easy to talk to him. But that doesn't mean I should. It's just going to make it hurt more when he leaves.

We made our way inside the classroom and surprisingly, he sat next to me. Zayn and Liam were on the other side of the room but the looks they were giving me didn't go unnoticed by Niall. He gave me a questioning look that I quickly turned away from and pretended not to see.

The whole class consisted of hateful stares, whispers and laughs that were directed at me. I tried not to let it bother me considering I should be used to it. I guess I just really wanted Niall to like me. I can't remember the last time I've had an actual friend.

When the bell rang, I grabbed my bag and went straight to the bathroom. Soon after I entered one of the stalls, I heard the door open.

"Harry? What happened?" It was Niall and for some reason he sounded worried. I ignored him and hoped that it would make him go away.

He walked towards the stalls and his voice got quieter as he spoke. "I know you're in here Harry, I saw you run in."

It was silent for a few seconds before he continued.

"You don't have to tell me what was going on in there, but I want you to know that you can if you want to. Whatever it is, I'll still be your friend."

Friend? We just met today, how could he already consider us friends? Maybe he felt just as comfortable with me, as I felt with him. It's almost like I've known him longer than I've actually known him.

I heard him walking away so I unlocked the stall door and called out a quiet "Wait."

He turned around and walked back over to me. "I know it's none of my business bu--" I cut him off by wrapping my arms around him and engulfing him in a hug. Hesitantly, he returned the hug.

"Thank you." I whispered.

He's my friend now and it's almost ridiculous how much that means to me. A small smile made it's way onto my face but went away just as fast as it came.

The door opened again and we immediately let go of each other. A malicious laugh echoed through the bathroom.

"Oh, so the faggot has a boyfriend now?" Zayn asked. My eyes dropped down to the floor. At least Liam wasn't with him, I thought.

"That was rude." My head snapped up and my eyes widened as I took in the scene before me. Niall was standing right in front of Zayn.

The raven haired boy squinted his eyes and took a step closer to Niall. "What'd you say?" His tone was threatening. It was as if he was daring Niall to go on.

"I said that was rude." He repeated nonchalantly. "You shouldn't say stuff like that."

Zayn didn't speak. He was probably in shock, I mean, no one talks back to Zayn. No one. Ever.

"Excuse me?" He sounded uncertain. Almost like he thought he had imagined what just happened. I bit down on my lip, trying to stop myself from laughing.

"Well, if you're going to talk like that, you're excused." He shrugged and waved a hand, shooing Zayn away from him.

He started walking to the door and motioned for me to follow him. I couldn't contain my laughter anymore and neither could he.

Zayn's never acted like that before, at least not around me. I had to admit, it was quite amusing to watch his bad-ass self get tongue tied for once.

On the way out, I heard a growling Zayn call out "You have no idea what you've just gotten yourself into, kid."

Niall scoffed at that. Once there were no signs of Zayn anymore, reality kicked in. Oh no.

"What was that?" I asked. He stayed silent. I couldn't help myself from panicking.

"You really have no idea what you just did! And for what? A useless fag like me?!?"

I didn't mean to raise my voice. I absolutely hate it when people yell at me so I understand why no one would want to be yelled at themselves.

I just didn't want him to have to deal with people like Zayn. I felt like I had to protect him even though I couldn't. I don't want him to turn out like I did.

"I do know what I did. And Harry, you are not useless. If you're a fag, then that makes me one too. If it wasn't obvious enough already, I'm gay."

We stopped walking at this point. The final bell rang a little while ago so we were in front of the school ignoring all of the students passing by.

"You're gay...?" I didn't know what to say other than that. He was so open about it. And back in the bathroom, I realized he wasn't only defending me. He was also defending himself.

"Yup." He replied popping the 'p.' "And I'm guessing you are too?" I nodded my head in response.

We continued walking until we reached the point where we both had to go different ways. I thanked him again for everything and we exchanged numbers.

As I walked back home, I couldn't believe how the past few days have been. There was no doubt in my mind that most days are torture for me, but lately, I've had a few days that were pretty damn good.

Sorry there's no Louis in this chapter but some of you wanted Harry to have a friend. I was planning on Niall coming in a bit later but this works too lol. And thank you so much for 500 reads!! you're all amazing <3

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