Chapter 9

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~Harry's POV~

My dad never came home. Louis left at around 7:30-ish and I'm honestly quite pissed off. If I would've known he wouldn't have shown up to ruin everything, I would've asked Louis to stay over.

Ever since I started talking to him, Zayn and Liam have backed off. I've seen them around and they've sent me dirty looks but since Louis and I are pretty much always together, they haven't been able to hurt me

It's Monday now and my father thankfully still isn't back. I entered the school building and contemplated whether or not I should actually go to class. You see, it turns out that Louis and Niall were childhood friends.

I found out last night when Louis was over. Niall decided that it'd be a good idea to randomly come over and normally I wouldn't mind, but I hated the way him and Lou just clicked.

We've all gotten pretty close but they were mostly paying attention to each other. I wasn't sure if it was gonna happen again but I really hoped not.

I didn't realize that I was still standing in the empty hall. Everyone else had gone to class but I didn't and I thought that since I was already late, I might as well just not go. I started walking towards the exit when someone cleared their throat.

"And where exactly do you think you're going?" I turned around and saw a teacher I didn't recognize.

"Um to class...?" She gave me a bored look and shook her head.

"I expected more from you. I'll let you off with a warning this time, but next time you won't be so lucky. Now, get to class Mr. Styles." She walked away and I cringed as the click-clack of her heels echoed through the hallways.

I reluctantly headed to class. When I reached the room, I stared at the door and counted to three before opening it.

"You're late." She was facing the other way as she spoke and I looked down as the students around the room snickered.

She turned around and gestured for me to take a seat before continuing with the lesson. I quickly found a seat in the back and sunk down into my chair.

I tried not to think about how everyone was looking at me when I entered the room but all I could see was their faces as they stared at me and laughed while whispering to their friends. Sighing, I thought of something else.

I was doodling on my paper, waiting for the bell to ring. I made little hearts with L+H in them. After a little while, I got bored so I started messing with our names.

What would our last name be if we got married? I knew that it was sort of creepy and that it would never happen, but a guy could dream right? He's sadly as straight as a pole.

I pushed the thought away and wrote down both of our names. I played with our last names and combined them together. Don't get me wrong, Louis Styles and Harry Tomlinson were great, but Louis and Harry Stylinson just seemed a little more unique. A smile made its way onto my face as I thought about it.

The bell rang after I finished drawing a rainbow with two stick figures sitting on top of it holding hands. I looked at the finished product and felt proud. I'm definitely not an artist, but it looked cute. A small laugh escaped my lips when I realized just how gay I actually am.

I placed my book bag on my shoulders and folded the paper carefully. I put it in a side compartment and tried not to forget to take it out later.

The next few classes took forever to pass and all I wanted was to go to lunch and see Louis and Niall.

When the bell to my last class before lunch rang, I quickly gathered up my things and went to my locker. I put some stuff away before slamming it shut.

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