Chapter 2

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*Trigger warning* homophobia.

~Louis' POV~

I couldn't stop replaying the scene in my head. I was on my way to the lunch room and definitely wasn't prepared for what I saw.

Zayn and Liam were shamelessly bullying some curly headed lad. He didn't even bother trying to defend himself, he just stood there and took it. I quickly ran up to them yelling "What the hell are you doing?! Stop!"

They stepped away from their victim obviously startled by the sudden noise. "Louis? Why'd you stop us, mate? Did you wanna join in on the fun?" Liam asked giving me a small smile. Zayn just stood there impatiently, wanting to get back to torturing the poor guy.

I heard someone groan in pain and I looked down to find the most heartbreaking sight. The guy was curled in on himself not wanting to get beat any further. He looked so broken and defeated.

How could they do this? I thought they were good people! I can't believe I was friends with them, nobody deserves what they were doing to him.

"I'm not your 'mate', you insensitive dick" I said coldly while glaring at Liam. He gave me a confused look not understanding what he did.

"How could either of you possibly think that doing something like this would be okay? What did he ever do to you?" I questioned.

"He's a faggot, Louis. He's gay. A queer. He likes it up the ass. It's repulsive and not normal." Zayn replied with a disturbed look. Liam nodded shivering in disgust.

I stared at them in disbelief. "You know what's repulsive? The fact that you two judgmental assholes think it's alright to beat the shit out of someone just because you disagree with something uncontrollable. Not to mention the fact that it in no way concerns you. Love is love." They looked shocked.

"Now, I suggest you get the hell out of my face before I permanently damage yours." I threatened giving them a bitter smile.

They looked at each other. "Whatever" Liam said rolling his eyes. "Have fun with the fag, Lewis" Thankfully, they walked away before I did something I'd regret.

I gasped and turned around remembering the guy on the floor and the horrible state he was in. I was to caught up in Zayn and Liam to help him.

I bent down to check how badly he was hurt. He was bleeding and was probably severely bruised. He had a rather large cut on his lip do to the punching and was too weak to move.

I reached out and moved a stray piece of hair away from his face, noticing how soft it was. He started blinking rapidly. "You're gonna be okay" I whispered not sure if he could hear me or not.

I decided to leave early and care for the unknown boy rather than dumping him in the nurses office. I slowly picked him up, being as gentle as I could. His eyes were closed now and I was really worried.

I carried him bridal style to my car and put him in the backseat. I drove to my house occasionally looking back at him and wondering why I was doing all of this.

When I pulled into my driveway, I shut the car off and got outside. I took the boy in my arms and brought him inside, laying him down on the couch. My mom was at work and my sisters were at school so no one else was here.

I put a glass of water and some painkillers on the table for when he wakes up. I lifted his head up to put a pillow underneath it and got a warm wet rag to get rid of the blood that was covering him.

After I cleaned his face, I looked down not sure if it would be okay to take his shirt off. Despite my uncertainty, I took it off and continued to get rid of the blood. He had a faint outline of abs with bruises scattered across it. Some were fading but most were new. How could Zayn and Liam have done all of this?

Sighing, I went upstairs and grabbed a shirt from my room, knowing he wouldn't be comfortable wearing his torn bloody one. I placed it on the table next to the water and painkillers.

He was shivering so I got a blanket and put it over him, not wanting him to be cold. Once the blanket covered him, I sat down on the other side of the couch.

While waiting for him to wake up, I took the time to admire his features. I saw some things already, like his curly locks and kissable pink lips. But I was distracted and only caught a few glimpses of him.

I found myself staring at his lips and I wasn't sure why. I looked away and thought back to what I said before about his lips being kissable. Did I really mean that?

A slight noise caught my attention and interrupted me from my thoughts. I turned to look back at the currently nameless boy and was met with wide emerald green eyes. The sight was breathtakingly beautiful.

I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it! Please vote or comment, I'd love to know what you guys think so far <3

- Anna xx

I'm Not Okay ☞ StylinsonTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon