Chapter 1

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*Trigger warning* bullying and homophobia.

~Harry's POV~

Beep. Beep. Beep.

The sound of my alarm clock echoed throughout the room. I groaned and mumbled incoherent words into my pillow. Sighing, I hit the snooze button not wanting to go to school.

I took my time getting out of bed. When I was finally awake, I carefully got dressed well aware of all the damage my asshole father has done. I quietly went downstairs hoping he had already left for work. Luckily, he was gone.

I went to make a bowl of cereal wincing every once in a while because of the pain he caused. Once I was finished eating, I took some pain killers and brushed my teeth.

I still had a few minutes left before I had to leave so I sat back down and waited for the medicine to kick in.

Before I knew it, I started thinking about Louis again. He's gorgeous. With his feathery brown hair, bright blue eyes, cute button nose, and perfect thin lips. I wonder what it would be like to kiss him.

Wow you really are disgusting, I thought. I started thinking about how my life would be if I wasn't gay.

It makes me really sad to know that if I didn't like guys, my life would be a lot better than it currently is. It really isn't fair but I guess that's just the way life works.

I checked the time and decided that I should leave now. While I was on my way to the hell-hole we call school, all I could think about was the beautiful boy in suspenders.

I sighed, the day has barely even started and I already wanted it to be over.

Once I arrived, I hurried to my locker and grabbed the books I needed for my first class. I had math first. Great, I thought. I rushed to the classroom not caring if I was early. I couldn't risk them seeing me.

I sat in the back like usual trying not to draw attention to myself and watched as students poured into the room. I sunk into my chair trying not to be seen but I guess it didn't work because I heard footsteps approaching me.

"What happened to your face, faggot?" I stayed silent wishing they would go away. "Answer me, retard." Zayn said as he smacked his hands on my desk. I instantly brought my arms up in front of my face to protect myself. Him and Liam snickered. "Sissy" Liam said.

Zayn was about to say something else but our teacher, Mr. Murphy, entered the room. They quickly sat down not wanting to get in trouble and I mentally thanked the teacher.

Mr. Murphy took the attendance and then began the lesson. Whenever his back was turned, Zayn and Liam would laugh or throw stuff at me.

This is going to be a long day.

When it was finally time for lunch, I rushed down the corridor unnoticed. Or at least that's what I thought.

I was almost at the cafeteria when I heard someone say "Well, well, well, look what we've got here."

I didn't even need to turn around to know who it was. I tried to run but two strong arms forcefully held me back. It was Liam.

I was struggling and trying to get out of his hold but he was too strong. "You're so fucking gross. Maybe if we hit you enough the gay will go away." Zayn grimaced as he threw a punch to my face.

"Slit your wrists, you disgusting freak, no one wants you here." I felt tears well up in my eyes but blinked profusely. I refuse to cry in front of them, I won't give them that kind of satisfaction.

Everything still hurt from yesterday and this definitely wasn't helping. After a little while, I felt really weak and fell to the floor. I was bleeding a lot but that didn't stop them.

Just as they were about to continue, I heard someone yell "What the hell are you doing?! Stop!"

I tried lifting my head as an attempt to see who said that but black dots invaded my vision.

I heard distant yelling and footsteps. The yelling suddenly stopped and the footsteps were headed towards me.

Soon after that, I heard an angelic voice whisper that I'd be okay. I slipped away from my surroundings after that and drifted into unconsciousness.

I'm Not Okay ☞ StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now