Chapter 7

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~Harry's POV~

"Are you going to eat that?"

I blinked a few times before I realized that Niall was talking to me. He looked to the table where an untouched muffin sat and then back at me.

I shrugged, then gestured with my hand for him to take it.

He smiled sheepishly before picking up the baked good and devouring it. I smiled slightly as I watched him eat the muffin, which happened to be his fourth. Once he finished it, he leaned back against his chair and sighed in satisfaction.

Niall and I had grown a lot closer to each other over the past few days. It was currently Saturday and we've been playing video games at my house for a few hours now.

I thought I heard a slight noise but I just brushed it off.

"Is something burning?"

I took a deep breath, taking in the air. As the smell filled my nose, I scrunched it up in disgust. Nothing was burning. He just let out a rather smelly fart.

He was hunched over his chair and slapping his knee as he laughed at my reaction to his cruel trick.

"Niallll" I whined. In response, he just gave me a smile and a somewhat innocent look.

"What? I didn't do anything." I rolled my eyes at that.

A buzzing noise was coming from the table. I reached over and picked up my phone and furrowed my eyebrows. No one really texts me except for Niall and I'm with him right now.

I saw the name and did a double take.

Louis <3: Hey curly! Wanna come over later? Maybe we could get to know each other a little better.

"Louis just texted me." I looked up at Niall with a shocked expression. Louis just texted me to see if we could hang out. I took a minute to let it sink in. I honestly didn't think he'd wanna be around me but I guess I was wrong.

I didn't even need to tell Niall that I liked Louis, he already knew. He said it was really obvious but I didn't think so.

"What're ya gonna do, lover boy?" He smirked.

I just stared at him while I thought about whether or not I should go. Fuck it, I thought as I started typing out a reply.

You: Sure, what time? :)

He texted me the time as well as his address. I was nearly bouncing in excitement.

Niall and I decided to watch a movie to make the time pass by faster.

I was skimming through the movies until I found one that stood out. I looked over at Niall with pleading eyes.

"We have to watch this"

"No way"




"No, this movie makes me cry like a bitch!"

We kept arguing until eventually he gave in. I gave him my famous dimpled grin as the Titanic started playing.

We were about halfway through the movie when I jumped onto his lap.

"Oi!" He yelled from the unexpected weight.

"Ni, will you draw me like one of your French girls?" I asked, wiggling my eyebrows suggestively.

He laughed. "Shut up, you wanker! I'm trying to watch the movie."

I'm Not Okay ☞ StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now