Chapter 33

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I feel like nobody lies this sorry anymore.. I'm like down to barely any reads on each chapter now :/ but I'm still gonna write for those who do

(Your P.O.V)
I tried for weeks. Weeks. To get out of this place. And nothing helped, nothing even got me a step closer, it only buried me deeper. The men that captured me had a lust for hearing screams of pain and seeing the glisten of red on the floor, or dripping from parts of my body. For weeks, I was here. Being cut, beaten, anything just to get the warm red liquid to trickle down my skin.

It was disgusting, the fact they loved this. What was even worse is that I left all of the guys, without a trace, leaving them questioning. Worst of all, I lost the promise ring kellin gave to me. That ring was what reminded me that I would be ok, that the sun still shines and kellin will still come home and kiss me goodnight, but that was no longer for me. So, I gave up. I wonder if kellin did as well.

(Kellin P.O.V)
I didn't give up. And I knew I never would. I loved (f/n), and I didn't want anybody to take her from me. Yet, it happened, and I'm broken. I admit, I refused to play any shows, I didn't write any songs not practice them, I didn't even work my voice. Nothing but searching all day for her and staring at the ceiling all night long thinking over other places to look.

I held onto the promise ring I gave her, sliding it onto my pinky, yet it fit perfectly on her ring finger. Those tiny little hands, used to grab my face and kiss me, used to slap my chest when joking around, used to work wonders on her hair, she was just gorgeous. And I missed her, a lot. Almost a full month without her, and I was breaking down in tears almost every other day. "Kellin man, you need to get outside," nick said from outside my shut bedroom door.

"No, I already looked for (f/n) today!" It sounded creepy, and it was, extremely. But this was (f/n) we were talking about, not some stranger.

"Kellin, we're gonna go to the local bar, please just come." After lots of begs from each of them I got up, throwing on a beanie and a jacket not caring how I looked, opening the door to be greeted by the guy's smiling yet sorrow filled faces. We walked in silence to the bar, and when we got there I sat down, ordering a beer. I took a sip of the alcohol when it came, singing in relief. (F/n) would've loved this, just being together and having fun.

(Your P.O.V)
"Get back here!" I ignored the calls of the men, running as far as I could from this horrid place. Even with my cuts up and down my arms and the bruises scattered all around, I ran. And I didn't stop, until I ended up in front of the local bar. Oh fuck, I need shots. Damn alcohol. I opened the door to the bar, eating states from a lot of people at my appearance.

I glanced quickly at a group of guys that sat on one side of the bar, one seemed down. I wanted to be alone though, so I sat opposite from them, sitting in the school as the bartender scanned my odd appearance. "3 shots of fireball," I said, and the bartender nodded, quickly pouring them, setting the shot glasses in front of me and I quickly downed them, the burning sensation numbing the pain I had all over the rest of my body.

"Rough day?" I nodded, shaking my head in disbelief that I got away from those idiotic men. I downed another shot, just wanting to numb the pain. "On the house," I thanked the bartender, walking outside and sitting on the bench placed outside, taking out a box of cigarettes I snatched up, sighing in realization that I didn't have a lighter.

"Need a flame?"
Bleh I hope you're still enjoying this story gahhhh thanks for 2k tho! :D love you guys!

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