Chapter 13

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I smiled at kellin's sleeping form, kissing his head and standing up, stretching. I didn't get very good sleep last night, but at least I slept a few hours. I slipped on some flip flops, putting my hair in a messy bun and heading downstairs for breakfast. I got a coffee mug, putting it under the machine and starting it. "(F/n)?"

I turned around to see oli there. I hadn't talked to him since the kiss, and right away I knew this would be an awkward conversation. "Oh, hey," I said with a smile, stirring up the creamer in my coffee, taking it with me.

"Look, I'm sorry!" Oli said as I sat down, sitting in front of me. I took a sip of my coffee inwardly smiling.

"Its fine," I said, glancing away.

"No, it isn't! What I did was stupid, I knew kellin had a thing for you and I shouldn't have intervened, so I'm sorry," I looked up into his pleading eyes and sighed.

"I forgive you," I smiled at him, taking a few more sips of my coffee.

"Thank you!" He gave me a hug which I returned, and I drank some more of my coffee. "So how's kellin?" He asked and I chuckled, setting the mug down.

"He's doing great," I plopped a straw in the coffee, drinking some of it. "How've you been?" He grinned, I could tell he was happy that at least a tad of the tension was gone.

"I've been alright, just working ha-" he stopped and I was startled when I felt hands on my shoulders. "Hey kellin," Oil said with a smile, hugging him. I looked at kellin and his eyes shone with worry as he glanced down at me. I smiled and winked and he nodded, taking that as an 'ok'.

Kellin and I, after saying bye to oli went back to our room, and I saw (b/n) there having a pillow fight, one of the pillows hitting my face. The boy's eyes held fear as I chased (b/n) around, hitting him several times with the pillow before figuring he had enough.

I layed down on the bed, opening my arms for kellin. We had to leave for tour later today, and I figured that space in the bus would be limited so I wanted to appreciate what we could do now. I gently kissed him, smiling. He set his hand on my lower back, pulling me closer when he got hit with a pillow. I chuckled, looking up at kellin.

(Time skippp)
I zipped my suitcase closed successfully, smiling in relief that I could fit everything. I was the last one out, so I looked around the room, then walked out, using the elevator. I got downstairs, running to the bus and hopping on. "I call bottom bunk!" Jake exclaimed, running to the designated bunk.

Gabe ran behind him, claiming the other bottom bunk. "Well then I get middle!!" Justin hopped to the middle bunk, setting his stuff there. ((A/N: Bryan stars video- justin hopping XD anybody?))

"Take the other middle (f/n) its-" kellin was cut off when nick set his stuff on that bunk. Kellin sighed, setting his stuff in the top bunk, while I struggled to reach it. "Need help?" Kellin asked. I nodded and he out my stuff on the bunk, heading to the front of the bus with me.

The bus started moving, and I sat on the couch, bored to death when kellin came up to me. "Sweetie, its late let's get some sleep," I blushed when kellin called me sweetie, and followed him. I climed into my bunk, shivering. It was cold up here, so I pulled the blanket tightly around me.

I felt movement next to me and when I turned my head kellin was there, so I moved to the side letting him slide in. I was kinda bummed, we had to leave (b/n) behind, but since he had an apartment there, it wasn't as bad to do. Kellin pulled me into his chest protectively, kissing my head. "I love you my flower," he whispered and I blushed.

"I love you too kel," I kissed his cheek, laying back on his chest and closing my eyes, drifting off into a peaceful, happy sleep.

Sorry it's short but there ya go a filler with some fluff!

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