Chapter 41

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(Your P.O.V)
Oh fuck. I untangled kellin's arms that were around me, glancing down at my half naked body for a second, shaking my head as I ran to the bathroom. I feel sick. Extremely sick. I leaned over the toilet, pushing my hair out of my face as I puked up what seemed to be last night's dinner entirety. There was a knock as the door and my head shot up, which made me automatically regret my decision.

I puked again, which seemed impossible due to the fact that I shouldn't have any contents in my stomach. The door opened and quickly and there stood kellin, wide eyed and worried. "(F/n)!" He came up from behind me, rubbing my back slowly and kissing me head. "It'll be alright darling," I grabbed his hand, gripping it tightly as he intertwined our fingers. I flushed the toilet, standing up with dread as kellin supported me.

"Thanks kel," I said, trying my best not to gags at the taste of- well, you know. I rinsed out my mouth, brushing my teeth, while kellin stood in the door still gripping my hand. I sighed in relief as I tasted the minty freshness, turning to kellin who pulled me close.

"Is it safe to kiss you now, my dear fiancé?" Kellin asked me and I laughed, nodding and grabbing the back of his head, pulling himself to my lips. We indulged into a kiss when we were interrupted by a cough. Kellin pulled away, with hand wrapped around my waist. "Oh, sorry man here," kellin told Vic, who looked like he had quite the hangover. We left the bathroom, closing the door behind us.

Grabbing kellin's hand again, I pulled him down the stairs with me, to the kitchen. "Is this a sign you want pancakes?" He asked with a raised eyebrow which made him look just so adorable, damn him. I nodded, laughing as I extended my arms out to him, asking for a hug. Knowing just what I wanted, he hugged me, lifting me up slightly, his grip tightening as I was lifted up. Kellin sat me back down after a few more squeezes, giving my nose a kiss.

I heard a groan from behind as kellin set a pan on the stove and I turned to see Gabe, rubbing his head. Chuckling, I got a water bottle for him and tossed it his way, and he got it with gratitude. "thanks (f/n)," he said as he opened the bottle, taking large gulps from it as he sat down next to me. Suddenly, I had the sudden urge to puke so I ran to the closest bathroom, piling yet again and kellin came running into the bathroom.

"Lovely, are you alright?" He asked with concern and I nodded, flushing the toilet and groaning slightly as I stood back up. He kissed the top of my head, spatula still in hand as he walked back to the kitchen. My mind ran through anything I could've eaten or touched and then it hit me. Last night, me and kellin.. Did the do. I bit my lip, remembering last night with a blush across my features.

I remembered how kellin's soft lips felt on mine as he kissed me, and how his fingers felt as they ran across my skin. Every sloppy, lust filled kiss, every sharp and slow thrust, every moan and beg, all of it. And you know what else I remember? We didn't use protection. I panicked slightly as I pulled at the strands of my hair. Looking underneath the cabinets of our bathroom, searching for a pregnancy test I once bought.

I was paranoid one day, but it was a false alarm so I still had an extra from another box. I locked the door this time, and after I finished I set the test on the counter, agonizingly waiting for it to register completely. I looked into the mirror, and down at my stomach, where a possible baby might be right now.

Looking down at my engagement ring, I smiled happily. If we did have a kid, kellin would be a great father. I know that if I do have a child in me right now, I'll cherish it, and if kellin ever fells like leaving? Then that's ok. I mean it's not ok at all, I'd completely drown in sorrow. Deciding now was a good time to look at the test, I took it in my hand, almost wanting to drop it as my mouth hung open. There, staring at me from the floor I threw it on, a pregnancy test.

With a little plus on it.

Hai!!! I seriouslyyy hope you guys like this, I'm getting less reads.. And I hope you like the cover! Please comment what you think! Y

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