Chapter 23

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It was the next day, and I had only gotten worse. I don't want to eat, I don't want to talk, I don't want to move from my bed, nothing. But here I am, with an arm wrapped around my waist, at a restaurant with black veil brides. Jack, Justin, nick, and gabe, all decided that they should go to kellin and ask him to explain himself, and we agreed.

You're probably wondering whose arm is around my waist as well, and its Andy's. He's been very protective of me, and constantly was making sure I was ok, and safe from any harm. I shifted slightly and his grip tightened on me, pulling me a slight bit closer. I really don't want another budding relationship at all.

I felt now that all guys, especially these ones, are sweet and kind, and even though I was told it wasn't true, I felt like I was just a fan to them. "(F/n), please eat," I was snapped out of my thoughts by Andy's deep voice. I shifted my haze up to him and he raised am eyebrow, looking down at my food.

"Come on girly, you need it!" CC said, giving my cheek a slight pinch which I blushed at. I sighed, giving them a nod, and picking up the burger that was on the plate, giving it a slight nibble.

"How are you feeling?" Jinxx asked me, just after finishing a bite of his food. I shrugged, acting as if I was better, but deep inside I serioulsy wasn't. I felt like utter used crap, and that wouldn't change for awhile.

"Come on, you can tell us anything," Ashley said with a smile. I nodded, taking another small bite of my burger. Andy patted my side, and jake stood up, heading to get a drink refill. I watched him leave, then glancing down at my food with a sigh.

"Here, I brought a to go box, we can eat at home where you're more comfortable," jake put the burger and fries in the Styrofoam container, closing it, and keeping it in his hands. Andy stood up, pulling me along with him and the others stood as well.

"Lay of her a bit romeo," Ashley said, taking Andy's hand away from the tight grip on my waist. I blushed as Andy's eyes shone with jealous. Ashley slung his arm around my shoulders, walking out next to andy and the others.

Once we reached back to the house, Andy grabbed my hand, taking me to sit on the couch next to him. "Alright. Fav movie?" CC asked, handing me a huge stack of them. I almost smiled. Almost. Its just so sweet that they're taking their own time to help me through this.

"This one," I said quietly, and jinxx clapped happily with jake. I blushed, looking down as ashley put his face close to mine.

"So she speaks!" I smiled, and Andy pulled me close to his chest with a chuckle, giving my forehead a kiss which I blushed at. I chose to watch a horror movie, the frightened feeling makes me forget anything else and its what I needed. Plus I didn't feel like getting drunk.

Jake put in the movie, sitting on the couch next to andy and i, followed my jinxx, and CC and Ashley on the other couch. The movie started and I grabbed a pillow, holding it to my chest. We were watching the a movie about the 'Blaire witch'. I hadn't seen it before so I wanted to check it out. ((A/N worst ending to a horror movie ever not worth it!))

The scene was when the supposed 'witch' started to shake their tent during the night and they all ran away from it. So far, I was pretty disappointed in the movie, I'd expected it to be scarier. Andy patted my head, signaling to set it on his shoulder. I did so, and felt him smile against my head. I don't know if he has feeling for me, but it seemed so.

It was now the scene where the two that remained found a creepy house in the wood with shouts for help. I watched intensely, as the guy walked away from the girl who becan to scream bloody murder back upstairs. The camera the guy was holding began to walk back upstairs, and when it got there, the camera dropped, a few more screams, and it ended.

I sprung from my seat, mouth wide open. "What the fuck?! It can't end like that!!!" I shouted, groaning in annoyance as they guys chuckled at my reaction to it. Jinxx stopped the movie, giving me his hand so I could stand up from the floor. I blushed, feeling Andy's gaze on mine.

(Kellin P.O.V- when it happened)
I didn't know what I was doing. A few drinks and shots later I was next to Stephanie, giggling. "You're so fucking hot," Stephanie slurred. I blushed, shaking my head. She was clearly more drunk than I was. My thoughts were confirmed when her lips planted on mine and the door opened.

I pulled away, seeing (f/n) there with tears and anger in her eyes. "I should've fucking known." She said darkly, and I looked at Stephanie who had s triumphant smirk on her face.

"Let me ex-" i tried, but she threw the bag she hsd in her hand, it hitting me in the chest. I gulped, looking up at her and seeing all the tears falling from her gorgeous eyes.

"Enjoy your movie, Quinn." Ouch. That hurt like a mother fucker. I stood up off the couch, picking up the bag and looking st the contents of it. A box of popcorn, my favorite candies, and a card. I sighed, running my fingers through my hair.

"Get out." Stephanie's eyes widened and I out my mouth into a straight line. "Get. Out." She grabbhed her purse, running out of the house, and I sat back down on the couch, shaking my head. I pulled the contents out of the bag, opening the note. It said, 'dear kel,' I smiled. 'We haven't been talking much since Stephanie got here, and I understand that because she's your friend. I'll respect your friendship totally. But please, for just this night, spend it with me? Love, (f/n).'

Tears pricked my eyes as I read. I an such a dick. I've been ignoring (f/n) for awhile now, spending Tim with Stephanie. I can't imagine how she felt. I wish I could take all that shit back, and ignore Stephanie instead of (f/n). Because I love (f/n), not Stephanie.

The next day, I was the same. Regret, despai, sadness, and pain. There was a knock on the door, and when I opened it, there stood jack, gabe, nick, and Justin. "Oh thank-" I was cut off by back slapping me. "What the fuck?" I asked, putting a hand on my cheek.

They pushed their way in, anger evident in their faces. "Why the fuck would you do that, man?" Justin said, clearly upset.

"It wasn't what it looked like you guys!" I said, stepping forward in defense.

"You should've seen (f/n), she was broken. Don't use that excuse." Nick said with a frown. I sighed, setting a hand in my hair and tugging st it nervously.

"You've been ignoring her for a few weeks too man," gabe mentioned, and I sighed, string down on the couch. Years threatened to fall. I seriously love her to death and my heart aches with regret. What have I done?

(Your P.O.V- present)
After the movie, we had all agreed to get some sleep. What I hadn't expected at all was that I'd be sleeping- with andy. No, not in a nast way, but eight here, with andy, in bed. His arms wrapped around my body with a protective grip as my head played on his chest.

I loved it, I did. But there was only one problem with this, and its obvious.

He isn't kellin.

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