What Divergent character are you?

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Take this quiz to find out which Divergent character you are! For boys AND girls.

Question 1: Choose your faction.
A. Abnegation
B. How can I just choose one?
C. Candor
D. Dauntless
E. Erudite
F. Amity

Question 2: Which High School stereo type do you most fit in with?
A. I don't really fit in with any of these stereo types.
B. The jocks or cheerleaders
C. Wallflower
D. Nerd
E. Student body
F. Prep

Question 3: People often call you...
A. Paranoid
B. An over-achiever
C. None of the above
D. A loud-mouth
E. A nerd or geek
F. Useless

Question 4: Your best friend just started dating the boy/ girl you liked! And they knew you liked them a lot! What do you do?
A. Pretend you don't care, even though you do
B. You let it go
C. You get really jealous and angry at them
D. You beat them up
E. None of the above
F. Whatever, they can date who they like.

Question 5: Not many people know this, but you're...
A. Really insecure
B. weaker than you seem to be
C. None of the above
D. nicer than people see you as
E. fun!
F. smart

Question 6: How well do you agree with the statement "Faction before blood"
A. Not at all. I love my family more than some stupid faction!
B. Somewhat agree
C. Somewhat disagree
D. disagree
E. Agree with it 100%
F. I'm not sure

Question 7: What James Patterson book would you most likely read(if you haven't heard of these books, base it off the title)
A. Maximum Ride
B. Witch & Wizard
C. IFunny
D. Middle School
E. Confessions of a murder suspect
F. Zoo

Question 8: If you were stranded on a deserted island alone with only one item, what would it be?
A. Some sort of hunting supplies
B. Knife
C. Rum(wouldn't you want to die drunk and happy?)
D. My phone(no cell service)
E. A good book
F. Water

Question 9: What time do you usually fall asleep at?
A. It's different every night
B. Later than midnight
C. 9:30-10:30
D. 11:00-12:00
E. 8:00-9:30
F. Earlier than 8 pm

Question 10: Let's say you come home one day(from school or whatever) alone, and you find your house has fallen into a sink hole! What is your reaction?
A. Fall to your knees- "Oh no! My lovely home!"
B. Gap at it
C. Frantically go into panic mode and call your parents (or guardian)to  make sure they're "okay."(you see what I did there?)
D. Laugh and pinch your arm hoping it's just a dream
E. Call the police
F. None of the above

Question 11: Favorite school subject.
A. Math
B. P.E.
C. History
D. What do you mean by "favorite"? Do you mean "which class you least hate?"
E. Science
F. Language arts

Question 12: What would your friends say about you?
A. Your loyal
B. Serious and/or strong
C. You're the "funny one"
D. You're weird
E. You're smart
F. What friends?

Question 13: Favorite thing to get at Starbucks?
A. Frapachino
B. Other
C. I like the treats!
D. I hate Starbucks
E. Coffee
F. I've always liked their smoothies

Question 14: Favorite board game
A. Other/ board games, just NO
B. Checkers
C. Monopoly or Life
D. Sorry or Chess
E. Trivia Pursuit
F. Apples to apples

Question 15: Do you know who the "DUFF" of your group of friends is?
A. Uh...that doesn't really exist
B. What pansy cake thought of the word "DUFF"? What does that even mean?
C. It's just me and my BFF/Gf or BF, so there really can't be a "Duff"
D. Yep, and it's not me
E. No...wait a second-
F. What friends

Question 16: What are you afraid of?
A. Murders/ birds
B. Heights
C. Bugs
D. None of these
E. Public humiliation
F. Getting hurt

If you got mostly...
A's- Tris
B's- Four
C's- Christina
D's- Peter
E's- Jeanie
F's- Caleb

Wow, I can't believe it! 1K views!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want to thank every single reader!!! I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while, I've been busy with dance, school, and playing games on my phone. I'm going to make a lot more quizzes soon!

~ILivefortheApplause (Follow my other account SkyleeL)

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