113* Farenheit (A Somewhat Casual Summer Day) August 14, 2015

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One thing to say right now: Thank God I don't have any sports or school today. Right now it's 113 degrees Fahrenheit, also known as 45 degrees Celsius outside. A typical summer day would be about 100-110 degrees Fahrenheit, which is rather hot already. Yet, some of my friends from another school district are at school right now in this horrid heat. May I also add that some have to WALK or BIKE, which makes the situation a whole lot worse. Dear goodness, there's already been children who've been showing signs of overheating yesterday, such as headache, dizziness and weakness. To be honest, I wouldn't be surprised if anyone has a heat stroke before the end of the month. The time when school starts keeps on getting pushed earlier and earlier as the years go by. Several years ago, we would start in September, when the heat wasn't as horrible as compared to now (even though it's still fairly hot). Why would the school's make this decision to push learning time into the oven days? It's like asking why they decided to switch to Common Core (which is a rather stupid system). Either way, both decisions are idiotic.

Before I start rambling, you may ask any questions by commenting on this chapter.
Anyways, I also wanted to announce that I'll try to release at least one one-shot before September. I am very sorry that I haven't gotten them done because I was given summer homework for honors math and English. Now that I'm almost done and overcoming a writer's block, the one-shots will become my top priority in the time I'm free. So until then, thank you very much for waiting so patiently! *bows*
One more thing. If you're out in the heat or planning to go out in it, always remember to stay hydrated. It will save your life. Signs of heat-related illness includes elevated body temperature, dizziness, nausea, headache, weakness, fainting, muscle cramps, seizures, confusion, and coma. I hope all of you will be safe. Thank you all for reading and have a great day!

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