N-Jouis Three Way

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Jackie's POV:

I stood there and watched as Harry made his over to me. My heart had already sped up and I was getting nervous.

"Are you hiding?" Harry asked chuckling to himself as he reached me

I glanced around the room quickly, I get why he asked that, because it did look like I was hiding.

"Maybe," I said smiling innocently, "just kidding. Liam asked for me to keep an eye out for you guys 'cause you're all reckless." I answered with a small smile

He laughs and wiggles his arms into his front jean pockets, "Of course Liam would ask you to do that. He's reckless himself but he just won't admit it." Harry said

"What do you mean?" I ask (an/ when you nod your head yes but you wanna say no.. couldn't resist sorry keep reading)

Harry sighs. "I don't know, like, Liam has this thing where he always feels like he has to look out for other people. It's just the way he is, making sure everybody is always alright." he answered

I nodded. "He's sweet."

Harry smiled. "Yeah, he is."

Just then Liam walked out of the restroom and smiled as he walked by Harry and I. He stopped in front of the counter and began talking to the cashier standing behind the counter.

The guy nodded and went out back to where the pizzas were being made.

"So how are you?" Harry asked as he just stood there looking down at me

"I'm alright." I said smiling

"I heard you had been in and out of court." He said frowning, "What happened?"

"My aunt Lisa, the one who showed up to our interview that one time.. she was fighting for my custody and it took awhile but Justin won the case." I admitted smiling, ever since that day I tried to look at the positivity in it all, Justin was going to be my guardian until I was eighteen because there was no one left to take me away.

He looked surprised. "So she actually went with it." he said

"Yeah," I looked up and saw the cashier hand over the pizza boxes to Liam then Liam giving one to Niall since it was probably too many to carry at once, "we should get going." I said as the other guys started walking out

Harry turned around and pulled his hands out of his pockets. I un-leaned myself from the wall and walked besides Harry.

"Are you really okay?" Harry asked as we began walking out of the pizza parlor

I shrugged. "I'm holding up."

He gave me a small smile and wrapped an arm around my shoulder. I smiled back and leaned into his shoulder as we walked back to the limo.

Once we reached the limo we all ducked out heads to get in but of course with my luck I hit my forehead.

"Aw fucking shit." I said ducking my head lower and crawling in

Niall laughed. "Are you okay?" he asked

Before I could respond Harry scooted besides me since we were the last to get in and Louis made an "arghhhh" sound as he stared at his phone.

"What a beautiful sound of happiness." I said, "What's wrong?" I asked laughing and then rubbing my forehead

"Guess what's trending on Twitter?" he asked looking up and making a face

"What?" Liam asked as he opened up a box of pizza

"N-Jouis three way." he said rolling his eyes

"What?" I said pulling out my phone and opening the Twitter app

I searched trending topics and there it was #1.. #NJouis3way. I felt Harry move his head closer to my screen as I scrolled through tweets.

"@//beliebin1D ohmygodddd #NJouis3way my life is complete!!! *photo attached*" the picture was a screenshot of the video Liam had posted earlier on my snapchat story

"@//sam202 y'all are delusional."

"@vans_karol// omhgGg!! YAS BABIES SLAYIN'"

"@pizzaluvr001// uM no, #LARRY"

"@1Dbabe___stella// ugh literally hate her so much, all she wants is attention." well, ok.

"People can't take jokes nowadays." Niall said as he grabbed a slice of pizza and offered me one, I of course loving pizza accepted. I handed Harry a slice and heard him mumble a thanks.

Three empty boxes of pizza later the limo was filled up with loud voices and full stomachs. I had ended up only eating four slices (since there were three boxes that's not a lot on my defense) and I'm pretty sure Liam ate an entire box on his own.

"My stomach huuuurts." Louis whined rubbing his stomach

"Maybe you shouldn't have eaten so much." I said holding in my laughter as he pulled his shirt off and then asking Liam to give him stomach pain relief pills.

Liam responded by pushing his head away with an annoyed look on his face. He sat back and rested his head on the leather seat making less space. Although there was a bunch of space left on the far end of the limousine we were all too lazy to spread out. I made a noise that can't be described making Louis look over at me.

"Did you just moan?" He laughs out loud with his mouth wide open but since he was full the dumbass ended up making it worse. After laughing at me he then groaned out in pain making me laugh.

"I feel the need to burp." Niall randomly said

"Then burp." Harry said quirking his eyebrows

Niall didn't say anything but opened up his mouth and twitching it. The four of us watched as he struggled to burp. A bubble of noise came out but not from his mouth.

"Did you just fart?" Liam asked in disgust covering his nose

Niall just laughs in return and fans it over to Liam who had an annoyed look on his face.

"What should we do now?" Harry asked looking at the guys

"We could always crash Perrie's party." Louis said yawning afterwards

"I don't think that's such a good idea." i said furrowing my eyebrows as Louis tried to curl up to Liam who still had a pissed look on his face. Or maybe he was just constipated .. I don't know.

"We could always just go to the park." Niall randomly said

"It's too dark." Liam complained

"Then what do we do?" I asked

"Guys," Louis said in an obvious voice, "we're in a limo what more do you want?" he asks

"Maybe if we just turned up the music and.." Niall said then looking at the "roof" of the limo and opening up the window thingy. He stands up and sticks his head out of it.

"It's chilly." He said

"I feel like a princess!" Niall yelled out

We all looked at each other and shook our heads. I think all of us were too exhausted to say anything at this point.

an/ ok feel free to hate me now bc I've been so bad at updating. I literally don't get home until 5-6 pm everyday because I have practice and I have loads of homework so I never have time to myself.

thank you all for being patient and thanks for 955k on IBABJB!! 💘 I love you guys so much. don't ever worry about me not continuing this stir bc I will always continue it (unless I die).

qotc: best and worst class you're taking this year?

worst: AP World History Best: English

Hope you all have a great weekend! ❤️

JACKIE BIEBEROpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz