Holy Fucking Shit

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An/ Yes, yes you are welcome for that amazing bod up there *wink wink*

Jackie's POV:

To say that bikini waxes hurt was an under-fucking statement. And whoever said it was a good idea to stick wax in a girls fucking vagina is a dick-head and I can guarantee you it was a guys idea. I swear upon it. I looked it up on google and all I know is that it originated in the Middle Eastern and then Brazil so I can't exactly pinpoint but it's okay because I currently have other things to worry about.

For starters, I can barley fucking walk. Second of all, I have to tell Justin I'm going to be in a sex scene that he never knew was supposed to happen. I know Kimberly is talking to him right now in the same place she had told Ansel. Third place, I'm going to be naked in front of three people I hardly even know. I mean, I know Ansel but it's not like we're so close and all that mushy best friend crap. Fourth of all, if we mess up the scene the first time we'll have to do it over and over until Kimberly thinks it's perfect. I'm doomed.


I was reading a couple of fans tweets when Justin came out with Kimberly and looked, I believe the word is, uncomfortable. He probably didn't even accept and I did the bikini wax for nothing.

"Hey." I said hoping he wouldn't mention the scene.

"I accepted the scene idea," he blurts and walks on motioning me to follow, "but I don't really want to talk about it so can we change the subject now?" He asks, his face was red and I knew that the conversation must've been really awkward for him.

"So what're you going to do for Miley?" I ask slipping my phone to my back pocket and followed Justin out to the back where Jeremy's car was. Justin probably just brought it to pick me up.

"I don't know yet," he says running his hand through his hair, "I know she's having a small get together in Vegas so maybe I should surprise her or should I just go?" He suggests

"You should tell her you're going because if not she's going to think you don't want to go and she'll be upset the days leading up to her birthday." I admit shrugging and opening the door to the passenger seat.

I get in, close the door behind me and put my seatbelt on.

"That's true." Justin mumbles as he climbs into the car as well.

I looked down at the tips of my hair and almost frowned because my blue tips were no longer visible. Kimberly had a hairstylist come to cut my blue tips because it wasn't exactly appropriate for the movie. My hair was now about four inches shorter which made me a bit sad because I loved having long hair. Some girls complain about having long hair because it bugs them, but I love it because I can do so many hairstyles with it.

I turned the radio on and a Selena Gomez song was playing, Come and Get It to be exact. To be honest, the first time I heard it I liked it but when you listen to it, it sounds like a sex song. What's the weird part? The song is probably dedicated to the dude sitting next to me.

I turned around to look at Justin. "Has Selena ever called you after you two broke up?" I blurted without even thinking.

What? I was curious.

Justin looks taken back for a second, we haven't really spoken about Selena ever since their break up so it was really out of the blue.

"No," he says turning the engine on, "well actually one time she did but i never answered. I blocked her number because I didn't want to go back. It was a couple weeks after when I began getting over her and I was afraid I'd fall right back where I began." He admitted driving off the parking lot.

JACKIE BIEBEROpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz