Their Paid Girl

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Their Paid Girl.

Before you say anything, I have to state, do NOT judge the story based on the title. This story is NOT AT ALL what the title describes. At first I wasn't sure if I should read this story, because there was no description to the story but still, I gave this story a shot and I have to say, IT BLEW MY MIND!! There were events in the story where very intense things happend and well.... I couldn't stop reading it! Anyways, all I have left to say is, READ IT!

The incredible author of this story is ella_enchanted!


*There is no summary* but still it's about a girl who gets paid for going on dates with boys. Why does she need the money? What happened in the past?  Well, read the book to find out and also what happens when she meets a guy named Adam?


Teen Fiction, Romance



Book is:

In process


Cover on the side and link in the comments!! :)

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