Chapter 31

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Livy's P.O.V
We all wake up at my house in the weirdest ways. I wake up first on my kitchen floor with a bottle of milk in my hands. I don't even like milk. I walk to my room to get my phone. I look in my hallway mirror and see a huge black eye. Can only imagine what that's from. I walk to my room to find Luke asleep in my bed cuddling my pillow and mumbling my name. Ok that's weird. " luke... Hey... Wake up..."
" Where am I?"
" in my room"
" we didn't sleep together did we? Whoa... What happened to your face?"
" well thanks. I tripped and fell into the milk carton. And no we didn't sleep together. But come on get your butt up! It's 1:30pm! Plus I need you to help me find everyone else."
We walk to Calum's room to find him and Catie spooning in his bed. Awh!
" Calum Thomas Hood! Catherine Oakley Clifford! Get up! We have to find everyone else."
The two love birds get up and we search my house.
We have been looking around for about 30 minutes and can't find Ansley, Michael, or Ashton.
We all walk outside and find Ashton  sunburned and asleep in a pool floaty in my hot tub.
Ashton is startled by my screaming and falls in the water. " why am I so sunburnt?!"
" because you fell asleep in the hot tub  on a float! But anyway come on help us find your sister"
We all walk back inside and then I remember I have to get our mail. I barley make it out the front door when I trip and fall down my front porch scraping my hands and knees.  I look up to see what I tripped over and see a half naked Ansley and Michael. I don't want to know what they were doing. 
Before I can say anything Ashton is on the front porch screaming. " ANSLEY IRWIN! GET UP AND PUT CLOTHES ON!!! MICHAEL GET OFF MY LITTLE SISTER!!!"
We must look like the weirdest house on the street.  Just picture two half naked people on the front porch getting screamed at by a boy that looks like a tomato. A girl in the drive way with scraped hands and knees, bloody nose, and a black eye. Two normal looking people and a breadstick in green toucan boxers.
Michael has the nerve to replay to Ashton's yelling.  " hey mate we all know that this is what you and Livy do!"
Ashton smirks. Luke looks like he could kill someone. His face instantly goes red and his knuckles go white from clenching his fist so hard.
This is going to be a long day.
Not really though because it's already half over.

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