Chapter 25

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Ashton's P.O.V.
I just called Catie they should be here any minute. right now everyone is acting normally while Livy and I are snuggled on the couch "watching" a movie to seem like we are dating.

Someone just knocked on the door, lets hope it's Luke and Catie. Michael gets up to get it. I hear the door open then close then foot steps coming our way. I glance up to see a fuming Luke and a very amused Catie.
Luke's P.O.V.
I just got to Catie's house to find Ashton and my girlfrie- wait no she isn't your girlfriend anymore Luke. Get ahold of yourself. ok back to what i was saying, they were on the couch snuggling. urrrrrr! I swear Ashton you are going to be dead you know I love her ok it should be obvious that that means STAY AWAY FROM HER!!!!
I feel my jaw clench and my fists curl into balls.
Livy's P.O.V.
I see Luke enter the room. he looks pretty pissed. the plan is working, insert evil laugh here. I actually kinda like snuggling with Ashton, I know what your thinking but doesn't Luke like to cuddle? Well he does just not with me. he smells so good I could just fall asleep laying here. "hi" I say to Luke. "hi, Ashton can I talk to you for a sec please" Luke growled. oh no this couldn't be good.

They leave and after the door closed to the room they entered all you hear is Luke yelling at Ashton, but after a few minutes you here it stop and there's a loud thud. everyone had worried looks on their faces. because I'm "dating" ash I feel like I have to go check this out so I do. I open the door to see and angry looking Luke and a hurt Ashton. I don't know what's gotten into him oh wait maybe he's jelouse. yes the plans working! Ok back to the priority here Livy. "ash are you ok? What has gotten into you Luke hurting your best friend now that's just low!" "WHY WERE YOU ON THE COUCH WITH ASHTON!" He yells at me. "well why do you give a shit it didn't seem like you gave a shit about me when you were kissing your ex!" I yelled and everyone looked surprised probably because they rarely ever hear me curse or raise my voice. I am so done! I grab Ash's hand a drag him to the bathroom to get cleaned up.

Once the bathroom door is closed I let out a sigh and grab the first aid kit. its suppose to have an ice pack in it. I'll use that to put on Ashton's black eye.
Damn he really hit him hard.

I get the ice pack and hold it up to his eye and lean in a little to get a better view. I didn't notice how close our faces where to each other's. he starts leaning in so I do too. what the heck I guess this is part of the plan too, so I lean in and connect our lips I will not go into detail but let's just say it wasn't bad.

This is illegal but let's just pretend it's not. ok. good.

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