Chapter 30

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Caties P.O.V.
So tonight the boys, Livy, and I are going to have a movie night and order pizza. But first I have to go to my volleyball practice and then to Livy's rugby game. Remind me why I thought it would be a good idea to be the captain of the girls volleyball team cause I don't seem to remember.

I just finished practice now off to Livy's game. Calum is going to be there, I hope he doesn't mind see me look like voldermort with no makeup... oh wait when I slept over at Livy's I would never wear makeup so he has seen me without makeup. now I feel a little better.

When I get there I see that the games about to start so I look for Cal and find him sitting in the back row of the bleachers. of course.

A long trek and a lot of excuse me's latter I take a seat right next to Calum. he hugs me. now this is just uncomfortable because I smell like sweat. curse the damn heat.

We watch the game in mostly silence only saying things when Livy did something good. She got MVP... Again ... For like the millionth time in a row. She is the captain and she is 6'3 so she towers over the other girls. When the game was finally over we decide to go home and clean up for the movie night.

*a couple hours later*

The boys just got here, now we are picking out the movie and ordering pizza.
*the phone call to the pizza place*

🍕pizza guy

🎶hi can I order 7 cheese pizzas with 3 boxes of bred sticks

🍕um... Sure. You throwing a party?


🍕ok? Your total is $75. It will be 40 minutes.

Nobody's P.O.V.
The pizza guy arrives. Livy answers the door. She looks shocked. the Ansel Elgort look alike hands her the pizzas.

*not phone convo but the convo at the door*

🍕Luke the pizza guy
💩the rest of the boys and Ansley

🍕here's your pizzas. that's a lot of pizza for one girl.
🎶there's seven of us, a pizza for each of us.
Then catie comes to help Livy while she pays the pizza guy, and the pizza guy starts checking them out. then Calum comes out to see what's taking so long.

🙈bruh that ones my girlfriend *points to catie* and that ones my sister *points at Livy*
Then he leaves.
Caties P.O.V.
After the pizza guy leaves we all go back into the living room to see all the boys staring at us. I guess they heard the whole conversation. "hey um cal what was the whole she's my girlfriend thing about?" Michael asks. "um yea I am confused" I say agreeing with Mikey. "well um catie would you want to be my girlfriend?" Calum says. "um heck to the no" I say laughing." his face was priceless. "I'm just kidding. YES!!" Then he comes over to hug me.

The rest of the night consisted of scary movies, pizza, popcorn, candy, and cuddling.

The pic at the top is what the girls were wearing for the scary movie night.

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