Just in Case

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Rozonda's P.O.V.

Dallas and I are at the carnival. I guess he brought me here to make up for everything that has happened between us, including his cheating and secrets.

Dallas put the cone of cotton candy in front of my mouth. "Try it."

I bit into it and tried to chew. I ran to the nearest trashcan and spit that crap out. "Bleh! Bleh!"

Dallas chuckled.

The cotton candy guy glared at me.I returned the same ol' look.

"That was the nastiest candy I ever tasted in my life."

"I think you're overreacting." Dallas bit into his cotton candy.

"It taste like cotton!"

"It's in the name, cotton candy."

"How much did you pay for this crap?"

"Three dollars." He answered.

"I could've torn a pillow open, then gave you cotton for free."

Dallas laughed. "C'mon. Let's go get on some rides."

"I'm serious. That crap was really a waste of a good three dollars." I said, allowing Dallas to throw his arm around me as we walked around the carnival.

We went on almost of the carnival rides, except the ones for the toddlers and little kids.

"Is there anything else you want to go on before we go?" Dallas asked me.

"I wanna go on the ferris wheel."

Dallas shook his head continuously. "Nope. The last thing I wanna do is go on a slow a*s ferris wheel."

"Please, Dallas." I raised both of my eyebrows and smiled.


We went over to the ferris wheel and gave the guy our tickets, then got on.

Of course the ride was slow, and Dallas started complaining.

"We did not just waste out last few tickets for this slow a*s ride!"

"Will you shut up about it already?"

"We could've played some games."


"I could've won you some more stuffed animals."


"But no, we had to-"

I cut him off by turning his head and kissing him for eternity.


Lisa's P.O.V.

After the heated argument I had a few days ago with Tionne and Rozonda, I'm still trying to make up my mind on what I'm going to do. Even though I haven't made up mind, I do need to start looking for a place in Philly just in case I do move.

"What exactly did they say that has you so bent on moving?" Jamal asked over the phone.

"I already told you. " I said. "And like I said before, I haven't made up my mind yet."

"Yeah, Lisa, I know. They told you what they think you should do, which was stay, so why are you thinking about moving?"

"It's the way they said it, J. It was more than just a 'no.' Plus, this isn't all about what they said. I have my own personal reasons for why I'm trying to move."

"How did they say it then?"

"They basically said, 'We don't think you should move, but since you don't care what anyone else thinks, go ahead. We don't care.'"

"I'm sure that's not what they meant."

"Whatever. All I know is they made it obvious that they don't care, which means I need to do what is best for me and my family."

"Lisa." Jamal called my name.

"And I'll talk to Bill after I get back." I continued. Bill is TLC's new manager. "I'm gonna try to leave out early Thursday morning. Then I'll be there sometime that evening."

"Are you coming by yourself?"

"Yeah, it's no big deal though. I drove back alone last time. All I need is music."

"Well, maybe I can come back with you if you find a place while you're up here." He said referring to Philly.

"You don't have to do that."

"You are gonna need some help packing and moving everything, so I wanna be there to help."

"Aww, thanks, babe." I smiled on my end of the phone.

"You're welcome. Hey, I have to go and handle some business with one of my brothers, so is it ok if I call you back?"


"Ok, Lisa-Poo. Bye."

"Yuck. Don't call me that." I laughed. "Bye, Jamal."

"Bye." He hung up.

After hanging up, I threw my phone onto the bed and went into kitchen. I'm about to get my cook on.

I finished up my scrumptious dinner of crowder peas, ham hocks, cornbread, and baked chicken. I know, why fix such a nice dinner when it's dinner for one? Cooking has always been fun for me, so sometimes it's just nice to try different styles of cooking. Tonight was pretty much southern style.

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