28. Downtime

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28. Downtime

I didn't let Dean's warning get the better of me after that night. I buried it deep in the back of my head and kept it that way. Unfortunately, that plan didn't turn out as well as I had hoped. Since Bobby was stuck playing babysitter to me, I was cooped up in the house, with the only place to go being outside. With nothing to do, and with research making my head pound after a while, it left my brain to wander back to the conversation.

Dean couldn't be right about Sam, he couldn't. What did Dean know about that kind of thing anyway? He didn't seem like the settle-down-for-months-kind of guy, he seemed more like a two-week-fling-kind of person. That was just an impression he gave me, I could be one-hundred percent wrong.

I did get updates though, thanks to having my new phone I'd had since my birthday back in September. It had few numbers in it, the important ones should things go wrong. The only number that dared to call my phone was Sam. Even though Dean and I were adamantly against calling me (I wanted them to be entirely focused on their cases), I secretly enjoyed whenever the phone rang.

The first case I didn't know much about, as when it had gotten done with, Sam didn't say much. Whatever it had been had to have rattled them both pretty badly. I didn't look too deep into it. If the case disturbed them that much, then I wouldn't dare ask them to recall any details for their sanity.

Unfortunately, they weren't anywhere close by enough to stop back at Bobby's to rest for a few days. Not that I didn't mind being around Bobby, but without the brothers here, the place felt more empty than full. Bobby was a good babysitter, as he did more research for the boys than he did watching over me. Still, my learning didn't stop just because I couldn't go wrestling a demon or a monster.

The second time the boys were away on their road trip, Sam had called again. He'd sounded...strange. It was hard to understand why, until I found out later, when he called again, that that hadn't really been him on the phone. Some punk kid decided it would be fun to delve into dark magic and switch bodies with Sam, so instead I had a young kid calling me. Let me tell you, I didn't get over that quickly. I was sort of glad I hadn't attended that case, though—it had involved kids who had been after the bounty the demons placed on Dean's head.

Nothing said being a teenager like trying to collect bounty from a demon.

After the whole kids issue with demon bounty and dark magic, there was a drought in which I had heard nothing from Sam. Bobby had kept telling me that everything was fine, but something told me things weren't. But I had to have a little faith in Bobby's words, he knew the boys the best.

It wasn't until sometime later that I didn't get a phone call, but instead heard the door open. I dropped the book I was skimming through and limped until I saw them both. I visibly relaxed at seeing them both safe.

"You miss us that much?" Dean asked.

"It's no fun when you're not here. I can't pick on you," I teased, smiling wryly. "The 'fun' I've had is research. I haven't been able to do squat since this." I rolled my right shoulder.

"You'll get back out on the field soon enough," Sam assured me.

"Who's hungry?"

"You cook?" Dean raised an eyebrow.

I stared at him pointedly. "Okay, so maybe the best thing I've had to do here is cook. That's what happens when knowledge isn't enough to keep you busy." I strolled into the kitchen. "Bobby can vouch for me when I say my food doesn't kill."

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