Chapter 10.

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I handed a group of girls their drinks before I wiped the counter again. I hadn't gotten any sleep, I figured I'd take a nap in the park because there was no way I could sleep at home, but I wasn't able to because Kendall and some other kids insisted I play hide and seek with them, I hadn't minded, I liked playing with them, it made me feel like I had a point for a few hours and it was un. After they left I had to finish my homework and then came to the club.

I looked up as heels clicked onto the counter in front of me and stepped back slowly as I watched the girl begin to dance on it like there wasn't a few platforms across the room and a massive stage on the other side.

"Those stilettos are damaging our counter." Taylor frowned from beside me. I laughed.

"Shameful. Look at those lines." Zeke - the other male bartender - grimaced as he watched her.

She looked pretty drunk...

"Shouldn't someone help her off before she falls?" I asked.

"No," Keith chuckled, "You let them do what they want as long as they pay." He said as more girls joined the drunk one... Well, they were drunk too.

I looked at them as they danced. Even though most of them were drunk, they all looked happy and carefree. They were all gorgeous and looked like they were having so much fun. I felt envious and my non-existent self-esteem was becoming less of a possibility every second I watched them.

"Hannah, you alright?" I looked at Taylor snapping from my gaze and nodded.

I realised there were quite a few people at the bar and I began to help serve them quickly, trying not to spill their drinks while the girls danced around it. I didn't dare look up while I was at the bar.

When it had cleared a little, I stepped a few feet back and watched the tired girls laugh and cheer as they were helped off the counter. I listened to our DJ yell a few shout outs and tell everyone it was a throwback request from some guy - whose name I missed - to his girl - whose name I also didn't hear properly - before the song 'The Dedication' by Jibbs came on. People seemed to be fine with the song choice and joined the couple as everyone danced.

"I'm so fucking tired." Zeke groaned as he flopped onto the seat I was standing next to and leaned his head on my shoulder.

"Why?" I laughed.

"I'm writing my exams, I study and work. There's no sleep in between that." He said. He was an engineering student and he didn't attend the same school Kristy went to.

"You have to sleep or you'll mess up your exams," I said.

"I have to study or I'll mess up my exams." He said. We laughed because it was true either way.

"Can we get some fucking beers please?" We both looked at a group of guys not far from us. The one that had spoken looked like he'd swore more out of excitement than anger.

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