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"Jake can I come to your game tonight?" I ask my brother as I walk into the kitchen. "Of course. You can get a special seat right next to me in the dugout!" he exclaims with a cheeky grin on his face. "Great!" I joke back as his wife Maggie walks in. "Hey Sam" "Hi Maggie" "Jakeeeee" she whines turning to him. "Whatttt" he mocks back. "Why is there a lightning sticker on our fridge?" "Um- I don't know?" "Well I love it but NO STICKERS ON THE FRIDGE! Babe it's never gonna come off!" "Well I'm glad we are fans for life then." and he turns around walking out. I awkwardly sat through that making myself a bowl of cereal and taking a seat at the table.

Maggie didn't come today so I sit alone on the bench while all the guys walk around me. I feel eyes on me but I ignore them as I pick at my nail polish. "Is some blue paint really that interesting?" a voice asks from beside me. I look up to be greeted by the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen. "Um no I'm just bored and don't know anyone..." "Ah well, I'm Kevin. Kevin Kiermaier." So this is the Kevin everyone talks about. "I'm Samantha" "Nice name. I gotta go but talk again later?" "Maybe" and he laughs as he runs off to center field.

"Do you wanna get something to eat?" Kevin asks me as he packs his bag. "Um-" "Kevin don't get on my sister she-" "Jake I can handle my own life!" I yell before looking down due to the attention I brought on myself. "Sam c'mon we're leaving" Jake says putting his arm around my shoulder. He walks me to the car and we get in driving in silence.

I get in my pajamas and make my way downstairs to get a quick drink before bed. "She's not ready!" Jake whisper yells. "Jake she needs him to distract her. She can't depend on us her whole life!" I hear Maggie say back. "I know and if I trust anyone with her it would be Kevin but I don't think she wants to be open to anyone!" "Jake it's what she needs. If you wanna help her we need to get her to open up. Meet some more people. Be more involved. Besides...we can't have kids till she's out!"

I change into some jeans and an old Rays t-shirt before grabbing my phone and charger and tiptoeing downstairs. I'm at the door and sneak a peek behind me to see Maggie and Jake snuggled up on the couch, both of them asleep. I leave their house and start walking. I din't know where and I'm kinda scared when I notice a car following me. I speed up but the car goes faster and once beside me I hear someone in the car call my name. I look over to see the bright eyes of Kevin. I walk towards the car and he rolls the window down more. "Hey Samantha" "Hi" "What're you doing out here so late?" "I- Can You take me to a hotel?" "I can but I won't. You can sleep at my place." He reaches over and opens the passenger door. I hesitantly get in and he drives off. I repeat Jake's words in my head as I internally freak out...if I trust anyone with her it would be Kevin.

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