July 2015

58 4 8

Hi everybody!
I can't say I'm sorry enough! Like I've said time and time again, I'm just busy. I take on too much and I stress myself out just like any other teenage girl. This last year was crazy, as I'm sure it was for a lot of you, and I just didn't let myself relax enough. I knew if I logged onto wattpad that I'd be up for hours writing and I would tell myself I needed to study or practice my dances instead. It was my first year of AP classes, I was dancing 16 hours a week, and this is on top of work and volunteering.
I'm not trying to gain any pity from y'all, I just wanted to explain what was going on :) I randomly just realized that it's been close to a year since I touched this book and that made me really sad because I know how many of you have been following and supporting me. I'm so sorry! I WILL FINISH THIS DAMN BOOK! I realized that I need to let myself have some free time, unfortunately, I didn't realize this before I planned my entire summer. I'm busy (as usual) but I have my annual cabin trip coming up next week. I hope to write a TON up there! I can't promise everything will get posted but I will write! TO be honest, I really want to write tonight...
Anyway, I want to apologize again. What can I say? I'm human. We all go through crazy times, especially when you need to start thinking about college (LOL). So I hope you all forgive me and I hope you all like the end of the book :)
Thank you all so much!

P.s. Since I'm so out of it, and I KNOW how terrible my grammar was when I first started this book, I'm going to edit what I have so far and refresh my memory on everything :)

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