New York, the big apple of my heart: Chapter 1

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Hi everyone!

That's my story. I hope you'll like it! It's just the first chapter, I've got the rest, but I'd like to know your how you feel about it before updating what's next. I dedicate it to Lexie (lexieheartcamy) and Camy (camydd) who agreed to read it and to be my first editors. Enjoy! And don't forget to comment!!


Name: Emily Miller

Age: 17

Born: April 4

Status: Single.

I had put in mind not to be single anymore. Especially that my best best friend Lizzie has got a boyfriend. I will talk about them later. I mean, isn't it MY diary?

I live in New York, the city that never sleeps as they say. I have lived here ten years now, after my parents' divorce. We used to live in Chicago. We used to always be in touch with Mom and Dad's families. I'll tell you something I haven't told anyone before: the reason of the big divorce.

Dad was (I don't know if he still is) what I can call a workaholic. Always busy, always away... And Mom, well, she didn't like that, she had no attention. She still says she never was happy with him. Anyways, Mom used to have boyfriends. Even married. I wasn't that popular at school because of that. Mothers said: "Never be friends with her. She's bad. Her mother is cheating on her husband." I can say we weren't the most loved people back in Chicago. At first, I never ever understood what Mom did. She cheated on Dad, and he didn't know. Up until one night. It was my birthday. My teacher at school had brought me a cake and a little gift, a nice necklace I still always wear with a little ballerina. I always wanted to learn ballet. Dad was in Hong Kong that night, and wasn't supposed to come back before the next week. But he came in surprise. And he saw them. Mom and her boyfriend. He yelled. God, he yelled a lot. I ran away to my room, where I sat there in my bed and cried. Then  Mom came. She told me: "Pack your things, Emily. Say bye to Daddy. We're going". And we went! We moved in with my Mom's best friend Amanda in New York. I think Mom missed Dad after all. Amanda got married after two years, and she and her husband still live happily with three kids in Washington.

Amanda had the kindness of leaving us her apartment. The night she left Mom brought a man with her after the wedding. And it all began, all over and over again.

I met a girl. She lived with her dad and her brother next door. We went to the same school. She soon became my best friend ever. Lizzie. My Lizzie. She's like my twin sister. We do everything together. We're, as George (her dad) calls us: Twisted Sisters. She has a brother, Leo, who is the hottest man on Earth. I have always felt something for that guy. His dark hair, his blue eyes...

Anyway. Lizzie and Leo's mom Catherine had died of cancer the same year we moved to New York. She was sad, I was sad too, because we knew we would never see the people we lost again. Her mom. My dad. My mom and dad's families I loved so much. 

I have always been a little bit jealous of Liz. I mean, she hasn't lost contact with her grandma, uncles, cousins, aunts... She once a month goes with her family to visit her grandma (her dad's mom), Grandma Wilifred, who is the nicest old lady of all. I go to visit her too. I can now consider myself a Thompson, at least more that a Miller.

Lizzie (whose real name is Lise) met her boyfriend Nicholas last summer in California. I was there of course, because I always go with them to California every summer. I met Liz's cousin Annie there, who is now 21 who lives there with her parents and goes to CU. He's the son of a rich man or something. So he came, told his dad: "I wanna go with Lizzie to New York." That's what happened. Funny, heh? Liz made me meet some of Nicholas's friends, but I stupidly told myself: "Why go out with someone, get attached to them, then break up with him before going back to New York and be heartbroken? It's not like Liz's relationship's going to last long.'' Gosh, I can be a complete moron sometimes.

As for what I like... I like pretty much everything. I still have that passion for ballet, but I think it's a bit too late for me to begin. I like swimming (as long as I find a swimsuit that suits me well). I love watching TV series, I am a huge fan of American Idol and Glee, because I love music...

I think I told you everything. I'm not the most popular girl at school, but I've got some pretty cool friends...


So? What do you think?

Comment, vote, advise me, PLEASE! Also, if you find a better title, tell me!

Hope you liked it! Because if you did, I'll update soon!

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