Chapter 9 - That Wasn't It - Part 1

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The people of St. Louis cheered on Dipper, Rory, Ty, and Kronos who was in intensive care. Rory smiled at the crowd applauding them and thanking them and turned to Kronos on a stretcher. "It takes more than human medicine to heal you....But I'll make sure you're ok." She said. "You are a brave warrior." Kronos was conscious enough to hear her. He didn't want to be called a good warrior by an angel. He wanted a place among them. He wanted to be an angel.

The carrier came and picked them up and left the city with just a block completely destroyed. Dipper hugged his brother. "I can't believe that we won." He said cheerfully.

"Of course we won, bro. We had quite the help." Ty said looking at Rory care for Kronos. "When we were kids, we only fought a single demon and a few monsters. Now we fought an army and three powerful demons. I don't think that we could've done that without them.

"I gotta say, Ty. She is a keeper." Dipper smirked at him.

"Well, of course she's a keeper. I friggin' married her for crying out loud." Ty said rolling his eyes. Rory heard him and smiled. She took a break from Kronos and kissed her husband's cheek then went back.

"It's because she's an angel isn't it?" Dipper asked. "The fact that you can't have kids with her...."

Ty nodded. "She...and I...really want kids. We've been trying to have some since we first got married.

"Kids or not. You're giving her the best eternity ever just by being yourself. The reason she's a keeper  is because she tries to do that back to you." Dipper said.

"Yeah. My life has been the best since I met her, whether she noticed me or not." Ty said.

Dipper knew what he meant. "Hey. Ty. Don't keep thinking that you're just my shadow or my clone. You're your own person. And you're a darn good person." Ty turned to him.

"Thanks, bro." He smiled. Dipper smiled back and they shared a fist bump.

Wendy walked up to Dipper when Ty walked over to help Rory. "You guys really haven't changed a bit."

"No. We haven't....That's a good thing, right?" Dipper said turning to her.

She laughed a little. "We won didn't we?" She slugged his arm. "You ever think about...getting a job promotion? We sure could use a man of your knowledge and talent."

Dipper thought about it. "Nothing would really change, right? I would still get time to see my family?"

Wendy chuckled and looked ahead through the window. "Yeah. You got a great family. Markus is honestly my one weakness. It would be a shame to be away from them all the time. But this job pays a little over your last job, has just as much hours unless you want less -in that case you talk to me- and you not only research and find the paranormal and supernatural...but you also fight it." She winked at him.

"You know what? I'll do it....but first I need an 'ok' from Pacifica." Dipper chuckled. She smirked.

"I hope to see you again soon....Agent Pines. Oh, that reminds me. They gave your great uncle Stanley a job too....a pretty high one too." Wendy said pointing to him giving orders.

"Ah geez." Dipper rolled his eyes. "Well. Thirty years of living in another dimension sure are enough to toughen someone up like him. That'd be cool if he passed it on to others." She smiled and dismissed herself.

He thought for a bit about the adventure they had. Just like old times.....Mateo. He thought about the brave people who died when these cultists attacked, when monsters attacked, when demons attacked. He promised a dying Mateo that he would tell his family. He had to fulfill that promise. "Get me to Guam! There's something I need to do." Everyone objected but felt as if he needed to get there as well. "Looks like we'll be arriving in Seattle a little later." The pilot said changing course.

If such a craft could make it across the country in a few minutes, this craft made it to Guam in only two hours. They landed near the capital city. Dipper was the only one to get out and he ran. He shouted Mateo's name repeatedly until a young woman and four kids stopped him. She at first spoke in her language then rolled her eyes and changed to English. "You know of my husband?" She asked.

Dipper cleared his throat. "Yes. He wanted me to come see you." She already looked sad. Her three children hugged her legs and a baby was holding her in her arm. Dipper told her what happened and how brave Mateo was. He told her that Mateo loved her and he was sorry he was so late to say it. She wept as he spoke. He hugged her and the children joined in. He held her for Mateo. "I'm so sorry." He said as tears filled his eyes. She broke away with the children.

"Thank you...for coming and telling us. Mateo will now peace. God bless you, Mr. Pines." She said wiping away her tears.

"You're welcome. If there's anything I can do for you. Just give me a call." He said handing her a PIAA calling card specifically with his number written on it.

"Thank you." She said one last time before walking back to her home with her children following sadly. Dipper wiped away his tears and ran back to the shuttle.

"Sorry about that, everyone." They saw that he'd been crying. Rory had Ty ask him about it.

"Dip, what was that all about?" He asked innocently. Dipper patted his shoulder but kept his hand there. "I know that look when I see it on you." He hugged Dipper to comfort him. "It'll be ok."

The pilot gave a thumbs up. "We are officially off to Seattle." They cheered.

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