Chapter 7 - Siege - Part 2

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Dipper smiled at all the good people around him. They were once all young, weak, stupid even. But now, every one of his old friends and family have gotten much stronger...and luckier since. "Everyone. Can I have your attention, please?" He called. They stopped their conversations to listen.

"We all know what happened in 2012. A powerful demon almost unleashed hell on earth...literally. Monsters flooded our beloved little town and threatened to take the world. We all almost lost faith and trust in one another....But we also defeated a powerful demon. We stopped a war of worlds. We came together despite where we were and with our different strengths, we won."

"I look around and I see those same brave souls around me...and a few new ones too. I know that with all our strengths united. All of us together. We can defeat those demons, win those battles, stop this war. Because I know we can......Who agrees with me?!" Dipper shouted.

They all cheered and raised their hands. Pacifica kissed his cheek. "Let's get to St. Louis."

Suddenly, the windows and doors smashed down as armed men barged through. "Everyone down on the ground now!" Yelled one man. They all panicked and did as they were told. Kronos and Rory turned quickly into their human forms and dropped. Markus was crying through all the noise and fueled Dipper to hate these guys immediately.

"Pines family. By order of Director Williams. You are in our custody. Anything you say or do will be held against you." One guard said. They moved them all to a large truck. Pacifica bent down to pick up Markus but was stopped by the guards.

"He's my baby, you jerk!" She yelled. They let her get him and carry him out. When they all sat down in the truck, one woman stood before them.

"What are they doing in handcuffs? They're not criminals." She told the guards. Her voice sounded very familiar.

"There's a reason those terrorists were looking for them." One guard argued calmly.

"Yeah. That may be. But if they deserve to be treated like criminals, you deserve to join them." She barked.

Dipper stood up. "Wendy?" He asked looking at the woman. She had long red hair and was wearing some kind of spy outfit. Basically, she looked like Black Widow. She turned to him then looked back at the guards.

"Don't you ever tell anyone my name." She looked back at Dipper. "Same goes for you, Dip." She smirked at him.

"Holy crap. It's Wendy Corduroy!" He said excitedly. "What are you doing with these guys? What's going on?" Kronos shook his head and looked around.

"We don't have time for this. We need to get to St. Louis." He said standing up.

"Wendy. I wish we could spend some time to talk but people are dying. We have to get to St. Louis because we have a plan...and a few other things you wouldn't understand." Dipper said helping Kronos.

"Do you know who I work for? Back when we were younger, I moved away to Portland, remember? I didn't go to some school. I went straight to the government. They had me co-found PIAA. Paranormal Investigation and Apprehension Agency. Our purpose is to research any and all paranormal anomalies and contain them before they become a threat. The company you work for even has some ties to us." Wendy said.

"We took you and your whole family to protect you from the terrorist organization Blind Eye. We've been after them for years. They aren't like normal terrorists. They worship demons and use supernatural anomalies to cause destruction. When they called out the Pines family...personally, I was scared....But now we have you in custody and are taking care of the issue in St. Louis as we speak." She finished.

"You don't understand. That's a full-functioning portal in a densely populated city. You've got advanced technology holding it together while it's surrounded by armed cultists, not to mention an army of monsters coming through wiping everything out in their path!" Dipper snapped. "We're the only ones who know what to do. And we're the only ones who can do it."

"Prove to me that you and your family here are better than one hundred highly trained men and women who, from a young age, are trained to battle things that go bump in the night. Show it and tell it, Dipper." Wendy said. Time really made her mean.

"You heard her. Kronos. Rory. Show her. Stanley, start saying stuff about the portal." Pacifica ordered. Kronos groaned and snapped his handcuffs off like they were sticks. He held out his arms and burst into a bright flame until he was now his true form. Rory stood up and burst into light until she had her wings back and her hair was colorful fire. Wendy looked in awe and smiled. The guards looked afraid and pointed their guns.

"Lower your weapons." Wendy ordered still looking at the beings before her.

"Wendy. Jerks. I'd like you to meet the Pines family guardian angel, Kronos." Dipper said smirking.

"And my beautiful wife, Rory....who's also an angel." Ty spoke up.

"Release them." Wendy said. The guards looked at her funny but did as they were told. Kronos smiled as they flinched when he moved. The truck came to a stop. They were in a strange building in downtown Seattle with fences around the perimeter. It looked like an Apple Store and a prison had a baby and that was their base.

They all went outside the truck then walked into the building. Wendy lead them to a briefing room with one man standing at the end of the table and chairs. "Director Williams. This is the Pines family. They have a few things to say before we begin their mission." Wendy said with a snarky attitude. The man standing before her was proof she wasn't the one in charge however.

"Agent Corduroy. Explain to me this mission with these civilians?" He said.

"They have a plan to stop the attack in St. Louis. After much talk, they showed me that they mean business and have the capability to carry it out." Wendy said. "Would you care to show him Mr....uh...Kronos and Mrs. Rory Pines?" The two stepped forward and turned from their human forms to true forms.

"Impressed yet?" Kronos boomed through his mouth. The director stood speechless.

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