Chapter 4 - The Start - Part 1

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After a few days, Dipper was able to take Pacifica and Markus home for the first time. He carried them both through the door and they were all laughing together happily. Pacifica sat down on the couch and held Markus close to her chest.

"Welcome home, Mark." She said softly to him. He looked up and around the big house that was his new home.

Dipper sat down next to Pacifica and got Markus' attention. "Is Daddy being a butt?" She asked him while looking at Dipper.

Dipper rolled his eyes and smiled. "I didn't even do anything....yet." Pacifica laughed.

"You are a butt though." She smirked.

"Whatever. Gimme my son." Dipper said trying to be funny. He took Markus' little body in his arms and smiled. "Hey there, bud. How do you like your new home? It's a little big, isn't it? Don't worry. I'll make sure you aren't spoiled. Right, Pacifica?" He said to Markus and made sure Pacifica was listening.

"Pfft! Like I would do that to my son!" Pacifica barked. She could never stay mad at Dipper, especially when they were joking. They ended up laughing.

Markus looked up at his parents and made a face that could've maybe been a smile. "Aww! Dip look! He's smiling!"

Dipper smiled back. "How old do you think a baby has to be before they're ticklish?" He smirked at Pacifica.

"I don't know exactly. But I've always known you to be ticklish." She smiled evilly at him.

"Not when I'm holding Markus. I'm gonna drop him if you tickle me!" Dipper held up Markus as a shield.

"Why, Dipper. I would never." Pacifica laughed as maniacally as she could before breaking out into a real laugh.

She climbed over the couch and stood behind him. She whispered in his ear. "You better make sure you're holding Markus every time I see you." She laughed again.

"Your laugh will never sound sweet again. You officially made an evil laugh." Dipper smiled even though it was not very funny to him. "You scare me, Paz."

She laughed so hard as she fell back on the couch. "We should show him around." She said looking down at his little face. He was blowing spit bubbles.

Dipper nodded and stood up still holding Markus in his arms. He walked him around and held him up to see the different rooms. "Here's your very own room, Mark." He lead him into one just across the hall from their own. They'd gotten Mabel to help paint the walls while they decorated it all they could with gender-neutral toys and colors. Markus' gender was going to be a surprise despite the complicated baby shower and what exactly to get.

The wall had a stork on it carrying a sack with various fairy tale characters and a few Disney characters too. On one side was a small crib and changing station next to it. A rocking chair sat on the other side with a table and baby monitor on it. Pacifica followed them in and smiled at Markus' little face staring at his new room. "I think he likes it!" Pacifica said cheerfully.

"Of course he likes it." Dipper said. "We worked so hard to make it likable."

She rolled her eyes and grabbed Markus from Dipper. As he was pressed to her, she looked at Dipper and smiled. "Take off your shirt."

"What?!" Dipper shot up at her blushing. "What for?"

"I read somewhere that the best way to bond with your newborn baby if you're not me, is something called skin-to-skin treatment. I'll let Markus lay on your chest with you both not wearing a shirt." She blushed. "I personally think it sounds adorable."

Dipper blushed. "Where exactly did you hear that?"

"....The doctors. It's a real thing!" She said defensively.

"Fine. Whether it's real or not, I'll do it for you...and for Markus if it means I'll be bonding with him." He said. He pulled off his t-shirt. Pacifica smiled flirtatiously and unwrapped the blanket from Markus, leaving him in nothing but a diaper. He shivered at the sudden exposure.

Dipper took Markus from her and got down on his back. Markus laid face down on Dipper's chest. He lifted his head and looked at his father. "He's too cute to say no." He admitted. Markus let his head drop and snuggled into his dad's chest.

"Aww, Dip! He loves you!" Pacifica cooed. "It worked!"

Dipper couldn't even fake anger. He loved this little baby laying down on his chest. He looked over and saw Markus already asleep. "Gosh, I love him, Paz."

Pacifica smiled. "My two boys." She laid down next to Dipper and snuggled up to him. She softly brushed Markus' back and he stirred in his sleep. "So beautiful."


Dipper had the television on and was watching the news with Markus sitting on his lap. Pacifica came in and sat next to him. "How long before your trip?" She asked him. He was planning on receiving a call that would send him to Guam. Many residents have been reporting a haunting in their little town and called him up. He has been waiting for further notice for months.

"I don't know." Dipper shrugged. "I wish I could take you both."

Pacifica smiled. "It's for the best though."

Markus started blowing spit bubbles again. He must've learned he got their attention better that way because it worked every time. Dipper held him up to his face. "Excuse me? What do you think you're doing, mister? You blowing bubbles on me?"

His phone started ringing and Dipper handed him to Pacifica and quickly ran to get it. Pacifica put him down for a second to go see if she could eavesdrop. Markus looked around but found no one. He started crying but stopped after awhile. He made a face as if he was looking at his parents but no one was there. "You're a pretty tough kid." said a voice of the person Markus saw. "I'm breaking a few rules by letting you see me, but you won't remember this." It was Kronos. He appeared and put a package near Markus but not too close and disappeared again. 

Dipper finished his conversation on the phone and look at his wife. She felt tears in her eyes and hugged him tightly.

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