Chapter 8 - The Demon War -Part 2

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Dipper turned around and dropped the cables. He ran to the edge of the platform. "Kronos!" He yelled. Ty held him back.

"Rory's down there too." He gasped. Dipper turned to him.

"She's strong. She'll protect them both." Dipper said to calm them both down. On the monitors, Pacifica and the others saw Kronos laying still as Rory slammed all three demons with her powers.

Atbash backed away and let a few earth-movers attack her. She blasted them with water and they disintegrated into piles of mud. Caesar summoned fire and air against Rory. She kept her wings tucked in and blocked the fire with a shield of her water.

The monsters dispersed and slowly began to overpower the soldiers gunning them down. Rory picked Kronos up and flapped her wings as hard as she could. Atbash signaled for the monsters to attack her. She barely flew high enough to escape. "Geez. You're heavy." She gasped as she flew him away. Cryptis roared at his brothers.

"You're letting them get away! How dare you show them mercy!"

"Patience, brother. The angel and monster will die.....slowly." Caesar said. The monsters chased after Rory on foot.

She flew up to the platform where Dipper and Ty were. "He's wounded." She said.

"Dipper, my boy!" Stanley called. "Pull out those cables! These monsters won't stop coming. We have to finish the job! You can fight the ones here later!"

"Mr. Pines, three demons are through the portal!" Rory yelled.

"Exactly why we need to close it! Three isn't that bad. I could take them."

"Mr. Pines!....They're Bill Cipher's brothers....out for our blood." She said. He looked up at her.

"Keep this portal open! Dipper! Get to the cables and wait for my command. Rory, see if you can direct them to the portal. I think we can change the direction of its power from blow to suck. We're gonna close the portal with those demons sent back." Ty chuckled at him mentioning "blow to suck".

Rory kissed Ty's cheek and flew off. Dipper grabbed the cables and held on to them. Ty saw as the last of the cultists were shot off. Now all that was left was the monster army, the three demons, and the portal. He helped Wendy and Soos up and they started sniping monsters from the platform. Wendy aimed for the demons and shot them. They fell back but got up only angry. A soldier handed Ty a spare gun and he opened fire on the monsters down below. He was not used to it and it misfired only to shoot more monsters than he expected.

Stanley watched Rory closely as she taunted the demons. "Hey! Bet you groundhogs can't get me all the way down there!" She yelled and made faces. Atbash forgot his monsters and chased after her. Cryptis roared and launched himself at her but missed and landed near the portal. He got up and chased after her, occasionally blasting at her with energy blasts from his hands. Caesar launched chunks of different rock, fireballs, and gushes of water at her as he ran. She was so experienced in flying that she dodged every attack with ease, laughing as she did. Slowly but surely, they made their way to the portal.

The chase was now in circles in front of the mouth of the portal. Monsters still passed through but parted in two different directions past the fight. Rory launched a few fireballs back and landed one into Caesar's face, knocking him down and sending him tumbling. Atbash stopped to help him but Cryptis continued to attack Rory. Growing more and more enraged as he missed her. Ty cheered her on.

"Yeah! Get him, Rory! That's my girl!" He yelled and clapped his hands. Cryptis turned around to see him up on the platform.

"Shut up!" He screamed at Ty. Rory had her chance and launched a fireball into Cryptis' back. He fell forward and tried to get back up before collapsing.

"Whew! Love you, babe!" Ty yelled.

"Ty." Dipper said a little annoyed.

"Yes?" He asked turning around.

"You're not helping." He groaned as he held the cables.

"Oh. Ok. Sorry." He put his hands up and helped more people up. Stanley was the last one on the platform below. Rory flew up too high to hit as the demons struggled to even stand. She flashed a light from her hands to signal to Stanley.

"Now everyone! Reverse the pull!" Dipper pulled one cable and pushed it back in backwards. The portal shuttered and groaned. It started slowly then slowly grew more powerful in its suction. Monsters were pulled back, some clawed the ground trying to find a grip. Any monsters that found a grip were pulled anyway as the portal grew in strength. The demons stood strong against the pull. Over the whirring of the portal and the roaring of monsters. Cryptis roared the loudest.

"NOOOOO!" He yelled as his brothers fell through out of lack of strength. He did the only thing he could and yelled to Dipper and the people on the platform. "This isn't over, Pines! Whether it's tomorrow or years from now, we will be back! And we will be stronger by then than we were on this day! You will-" He was interrupted by a car slamming into him and exploding in mid-air as the explosion was sucked into the portal, killing several monsters.

After the demons and a significant number of monsters fell to the power of the portal, Stanley ordered them to kill the power. Dipper pulled the big cables with help from Ty. The portal groaned loudly and imploded on itself. The structure of equipment around the arch leaned out and fell in different directions.

Dipper and everyone climbed down as fast as they could. The platforms began to collapse on themselves. Ty jumped down with everyone and looked around. They cheered and patted each other on the back. Dipper smiled and hugged his brother. Ty wasn't happy until he knew where Rory was.

"Rory? Rory?!" He called. Whatever monsters remained fled the city in terror. Not a sound was made. Even the soldiers stopped celebrating to watch Ty. Like before, Dipper didn't know personal loss. Rory was probably the closest loss he had...if she was....

Ty wandered around calling her name in desperation. His call becoming more sad and desperate every time. He saw her body among several monsters' bodies and in rubble. He ran to her and pushed away a few rocks and a manitaur's meaty hand to get to her. "Rory!" He cried. He nudged her lightly.

"Rory?" He asked her lying there. "No.....Please. Please, Rory! Please! I love you! You're the only one I cared about! All I ever wanted was for you to be happy...have a family with me....maybe a few kids...Gosh, I'm so sorry. I should've come sooner!....No....I shouldn't have come at all.....I never would've distracted you...It's my fault....I wasn't there for you like I wanted....I broke your promise just to come protect you and I failed! I failed you!" He held her in his arms and cried onto her chest and head. "I'm so sorry..." He sobbed and kissed her cheek.

Her eyes opened slowly and she saw him. "Ty..." She said weakly. Ty shot up and looked at her.

"Rory? Rory!" He cried more, but this was out of joy. "I love you so much. I'm so sorry. I'm such an idiot and I-" She cut him off with a kiss.

"Nothing is or ever will be your fault, you dork." She smiled. "I love you too."

Dipper ran and hugged them both. Stanley clapped for the three. Wendy ordered her men to grab Rory and take care of her injuries. "Congratulations, you three." Stanley said. Ty stayed by Rory, holding her hand as she was carried off. Dipper looked around at the last of the cultists being hauled away in PIAA detention trucks, monsters running in fear, and the sky finally lighting up again with the sun.

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