Chapter 3 - The Newcomer - Part 3

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Before Dipper could say anything to this "Kronos" coming and seeing them, a young man about their age came into the doorway. He had brownish red hair and was wearing a black trench coat. He had a build similar to Dipper, a muscular yet skinny body.

"Who are you?" Dipper asked very angrily. He was the overprotective leader of his family already. He stood up and clenched his fists.

"Mr. Pines. Mrs. Pines....I'm very sorry. You don't know anything of who I am or what I'm doing here....but I've been assigned a mission to protect your family, the Pines." The man who must've been Kronos said.

"And since I was assigned this strange mission on the day of Markus' birth...Technically it makes me his guardian angel."

"Thank you, psychopath. But we don't need anyone looking after us. We can handle ourselves." Dipper said angrily. "I'm calling the police. How do you know all that stuff? How do you know about our son?!"

Kronos lowered his head. "I'm sorry, Mr. Pines. But I was given this assignment by someone I thought I would never hear from again. I'm sacrificing my own stuff for this job. I know that if I do as I was told, we'll all be saved."

"Saved from what? Who do you work for? Answer me!" Dipper shouted at him. Pacifica simply watched Kronos. He didn't seem to be a least not now.

"You wouldn't believe me unless you were there in Gravity Falls exactly nine years ago. And if you were somewhat religious." Kronos said calmly. Judging by looks, he's been working on acting so calm when others are angry at him.

"Ok....Kronos. I'm listening. Oh, and by the way, 'Kronos' isn't exactly the most comforting name for a guardian angel now, is it?" Dipper snapped.

"That's a long story but I will explain my connection to the event that took place on this earth nine years ago. "When Bill Cipher, demon of dreams, was destroyed. The heavens, a place where good people go when they die, was in celebration that an evil and powerful entity had fallen forever."

"In those heavens lives not only the ones who died good, but angelic beings of elemental power. Mostly, they are created that way, but I chose that life instead of the one I was created in. I was born a monster by dark beings such as Cipher. I hated that lifestyle of death and destruction that I turned to good. Fearing that I would never be accepted, I stayed away from everyone but...well, let's just say one thing lead to another and they chose me to be sent down to earth, live a mortal life as a man and monster, but also a guardian angel for the ones who are responsible for Cipher's destruction."

"Dark allies to Cipher grew furious with the news and to this day, grow in strength and number against all things good...and the ones who killed their brother. I am here to protect you and your son from those forces." Kronos finished.

Pacifica looked shocked.

Dipper didn't believe a word. "Ok. That doesn't make any logical sense. You're crazy!" He barked.

"I wish I was, Mr. Pines." Kronos said sadly.

"I just had a son, I married my dream girl and my life is more perfect than anyone could ask for, why would this happen now?! Why didn't it happen when I was still into this and still a stupid kid in Gravity Falls?!" Dipper yelled out.

"Dipper please!" Pacifica yelled to him.

"What?! No. You actually believe this freak?" He asked her.

"Yes." is all she said. "Dipper, if we've experienced what we have all those years ago, who's to say other crazy things like it are really happening? What about your job? You track down things no one else believes and make them real for everyone that called you crazy. You proved the existence of Chupacabra for crying out loud!"

Dipper looked down. "I refuse to believe something that would change my life now. It's all going great but of course! Fate realized it hasn't gotten Dipper in a long time. Let's give him a big one for ol' times sake!"

Kronos was losing his patience. "Dipper Pines, you don't understand how strange your world is until you've gone into those Oregon woods. Bill Cipher is destroyed, but there are others. And they aren't just targeting the world as always, they're also targeting you and your vulnerable family. Whether you like it or not, I will be there to help you and Markus. I will not be visible to him until he reaches the right maturity so you don't have to worry about that. I will not even really be here, even though I will."

Dipper's anger calmed a little. "You chose this? You chose to spend your mortal life on earth watching my son? Our family?"

"For the most part...yes." Kronos admitted. "I promise to you that I will never let you, your wife, your children, or any of your family be harmed." He held up his hand then held it over to Dipper.

Dipper shook his head. "I really hope I don't regret this." He shook Kronos' hand. "So...Just out of curiosity. You said you were created as a monster...did you have a monster form?"

Kronos smiled. "I did. I still do but I don't want to show you just yet...or in here."

Pacifica laughed a little. "Y'know. We only really need you when any supernatural things happen thinking about doing anything else while you're on earth?"

"Well...Let's just say I want to make a difference." Kronos said smiling to himself.

Dipper stood up to him. "I don't know...but I think I might be able to help you...if I can trust you."

Kronos looked at him. "I'll do my best so you can. That's my first priority." He looked back down at his strange-looking watch. "It's time for me to go. I will see you when you need me. Just call."

"Wait! Where are you going?" Dipper asked. He didn't mean to sound so curious but it took over as always.

"To guard your son. Oh and congratulations, Pines family." He smiled before disappearing into thin air.

Dipper turned to his wife in awe. "Here we go again." He said a little excitedly. Secretly, he missed the old days of solving mysteries and fighting the supernatural that he wanted it back. He just hoped he could protect his family from it. Good thing he's got help.

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