Chapter 7 - Siege - Part 1

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Dipper hugged his family again. They just got him back and now this was happening. Something that, if not contained, could and would reach them. He didn't want to lose his family anymore. He broke away and got an idea. "Since we might need some help...I think I know someone who can do just that." Kronos looked at him funny.

"Mr. Pines?" He asked.

"I'd like you all to meet our family's guardian angel, Kronos." Dipper said happily. He held out his arms to display nothing. "Kronos...that's your cue."

"Mr. Pines, I can't let them see me." Kronos said. Mermando and Mabel looked at him funny.

"Did ya come up with an imaginary friend for Markus? Last time I checked, the kids did that themselves, Dip." Mabel said.

"Dipper....We'll need an army to fight that." Pacifica said pointing to the television. "No offense to Kronos, but...he can't do it on his own. We can't pin all our hope on one guy."

Dipper groaned. "Kronos. I need you to show yourself." Kronos looked down.

"They'll fear me. I don't want that." He said.

"Dipper. He doesn't want them to see him." Pacifica argued.

"Kronos. Please. You're our only hope. We can't fix this mess without you. Show yourself." Dipper yelled.

Kronos walked over to where Markus laid down and picked him up. As he did, everyone saw him. He was no longer invisible to the world. Markus looked at him and smiled. "Hey, bud. Seems like your dad wanted me to show myself...So....Hi." He looked at everyone around him staring at him. "I'm Kronos....." Awkward.

"I've seen some weird don't make that list though." Mabel finally said. "My husband is a friggin' merman for cryin' out loud."

Mermando moved closer. "Are you a ghost?"

"Heh. No. This is weird even for the other angels....but I'm an angel. I'm your guardian angel." Kronos said putting Markus down.

"Angel? You look like an ordinary guy...except you appeared out of no where." Mabel said.

"Well yeah....This is my human form. But I wasn't born an angel. I was kinda born....different." He stepped back from everyone and held out his arms on both sides. His body caught fire and flashed a bright light. When the light went away, he was his true form. Everyone gasped at first.

"Awesome!" Mabel yelled. "...Sorry." Kronos smiled with his circular mouth.

"Never gets old." Dipper admitted. They snapped back to the problem together.

"What's our game plan, Dip?" Mabel asked. They'd gathered around the kitchen table to discuss what to do.

"Ok. You all remember the sequence it took to almost stop the portal when we were kids?" Dipper said. No one raised their hand.

"Dipper. It's been so long." Pacifica spoke for everyone.

"Well. Good thing I got my journals." Dipper said pulling them out of his bag at his side. "They're like the portal's manuals." He put them out on the table on the same page.

"With these. We'll be one step ahead of those idiots manning the makeshift portal in St. Louis." Kronos said examining one. Dipper smiled and nodded.

"Ok. Kronos will draw their fire and distract the guards and monsters while we make our way to the portal and break it apart by the book." Dipper said. "We'll go over bigger details when we have a good look at the scene. We're going to St. Louis. Only those who feel they can help."

"I'm coming since you specifically said my name in the vague plan." Kronos said.

"I'm in!" Mabel yelled.

"I could help too." Mermando said. Mabel smiled then grew a face she assumed was serious.

"Mermy. You can't come..." She said. "I just....You're.....I don't want you to get hurt."

"Someone needs to keep you from getting hurt." He defended.

Mabel thought about it then took a deep breath. "Ok. We're all a team."

"I'm coming too." Pacifica said.

"No. I need you here to watch us on the tv....and to take care of Markus." Dipper stopped.

"Excuse me?" She barked then groaned. "Fine. I'm staying to take care of MY baby and to watch your butt from hundreds of miles away."

"Pacifica, please. This isn't some first-come-first-serve fun trip. We're going somewhere that's super dangerous. The last thing I want to see is you...." Dipper looked down. Pacifica brushed some hair from his face, revealing his birthmark, and kissed it.

"I get it." She smiled. "I love you too."

Kronos looked over at Markus asleep on his blanket. "I'm gonna miss you, little tyke."

"What about the other targets? We need every Pines family member here or with us." Mabel said.

There was a knock at the door on cue. Mermando rolled to it and answered. "Hello?"

Ty and Rory stood there with both Stan's and Soos and his family. "Hola there!" Ty said.

"What the-" Dipper ran to him. "How did you all get to Seattle so fast?"

"How did you get here so fast, Mr. Guam?" Ty raised an eyebrow and hugged him.

"I...I don't want to talk about Guam but...we have something, er, someone to show you." Dipper said. They all went inside and joined the discussion. Kronos was sitting in front of Markus as he slept. "Everyone. This is Kronos. According to him, he's our family guardian angel." Dipper announced.

Kronos frowned and stood up. He went to switch to his true form but forgot he already was. Everyone stared at him....again. "He's...not an angel." Grunkle Stanley spoke up. He slowly reached for his gun at his side. "He's....a monster."

"I'm very aware of how I was born and my past....But I've chosen to be an angel. It's more a choice than a species." Kronos defended himself. He hated being called a monster. Rory stepped forward and took his hand.

"You angel. Aren't you?" She asked.

"It's been my decision and I chose that path. I swear to it." Kronos said.

"Huh.....I knew it." She backed away and held her arms out. Ty smiled at everyone when she did.

"We also have someone to show you guys. My an angel." He said. She burst into light and reformed with large white wings behind her back. Her hair waved around as colorful flames. Her hands pulsed with power. A shy smile on her face. "Gosh, I love you, Ror." Ty kissed her cheek.

Kronos almost fell back. "I...did not see that coming."

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