Chapter 4 - The Start - Part 3

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"Mr. Pines!" Mateo called to him. Dipper turned around as the ground shook again and began to crack up at the corners.

"Everybody out! Now!" Dipper called. He lead them to the doorway and let them all go first outside. Mateo, Matua, and the others didn't slow down despite any of the weak ground before them. Luckily, the temple stayed together as they all ran out. A horrific voice rang out of the doorway after them.

"PINES!" The voice roared and turned to wind as the doorway sealed off as usual. The top of the temple began to cave in. One level at a time, the temple collapsed in on itself.

"Everyone clear the area!" Dipper commanded. They did as they were told through fear and ran to the jeeps in the jungle.

"Get to the jeeps! We're leaving now!" Matua yelled to his men. Dipper got in with Mateo and they drove off with everyone already waiting to go. They heard the rumbling stop and gasped. "Stop the trucks." Matua said when they came to a big enough clearing in the trees. He got out binoculars and saw something launch from the ruins right at them. The last truck in the group exploded as the projectile made contact. Some men got up and immediately began shooting bullets everywhere they saw movement. The projectile formed to a large brute figure with black skin and large teeth....very large teeth. Its body was covered in thick plates. It roared at the men firing at it and tore through their weak force.

Dipper analyzed the creature in horror. "H-How? That's an Earth-Mover! What's it doing here?!" He searched through his bag. Matua gave up on Dipper and turned to the rest of his men hiding behind the trucks watching the last man be smashed under the Earth-Mover's fists.

"Play dead!" Matua ordered. The men obeyed and got down. Dipper couldn't find the right item to help and got down with them as the creature looked over the jeep at their bodies. It focused its dull gray eyes on them individually and roared, its teeth peeling back to a large mouth. Kronos made himself seen only to the creature and threw a rock at it to get its attention.

"Pick on someone your own size, mole man." He said angrily. The creature turned and roared loudly at him. No one saw what he roared at. Kronos lead the creature into another clearing away from the group. A long obsidian blade slid out from Kronos' arm. Dipper looked up to find the  creature but didn't see it.

"Something got its attention." Matua speculated.

"Maybe." Dipper said. He got up and peered through the bushes. He saw the same man he met on Markus' birthday with a sword coming out of his arm, fighting a giant monster.

"Face me like the behemoth you are!" Kronos roared. He continued to roar as his skin turned red, fire grew in his eyes and free hand which sharpened to claws, his face changed to something of a snout but with no nose. His fiery eyes grew as his mouth twisted to a circular shape with teeth at every angle inward like a leech. His true form had emerged ready to fight as Dipper looked in awe and horror at his "family's guardian angel".....A monster.

Just as he posed himself to fight, the Earth-Mover whacked him away. He flew back until he hit a tree trunk. He groaned but got up and got in stance. He dodged the next attack and swung his sword into its thick arm. It squealed in pain and threw its arm around until Kronos let go. He held out his other arm and another blade of obsidian emerged. His hands opened up with fire burning in the palms. He swung his right arm at the creature. It dodged his sword but his fire launched from his hand right into its eye. It squealed again and slammed its fist head on into his body, sending him flying again like a little mosquito.

Kronos got up by his hands and charged the creature with his sword arms out like wings. His left sword sliced the Earth-Mover's side and it roared and lunged itself at him. He couldn't escape as it smashed down on his arms and legs. Its teeth peeled away slightly one at a time and a voice that didn't seem like its own slipped out through the cracks. "Any last words, monstrous traitor?"

Kronos smirked as his eyes lit up. "Yeah. Just this." He opened his mouth and fire burst from it at super speed straight through the creature's head. Everything the blaze passed through melted and burned to ash. He gathered up enough strength to lift the dead beast off of himself. He turned to Dipper who was now out of the bushes and scared out of his wits.

"Sorry you had to see that." Kronos said. His monstrous form dissolved leaving his more humanlike appearance. His swords slid back into their hidden hilts and his fire cooled down. "I told you I would look out for you and your family. What that needed my help. And I'm afraid it's not over. What you saw in that temple.....that's no story.....that's prophecy."

Dipper held his knees and leaned over. "I just....I just need to catch my breath...and my mind. What just happened?"

Kronos put a hand on his shoulder. "Cipher isn't the only demon out there who wanted the universe to himself. Research everything you can from what you saw. For now, I'll make sure your path is safe and your son stays in his playpen." Dipper looked at him funny then nodded remembering he's like a ghost that can pretty much teleport between them.

"Kronos wait." Dipper said standing up. "Keep my family safe." Kronos nodded.

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