Chapter 6 - Piecing Together - Part 2

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Kronos and Dipper made their way to a small speck of land just barely over the rise of the waves. They washed ashore almost drained of energy. "We made it." Kronos said sitting up. "Now all I have to do is dry off."

Dipper looked at him funny. "Dry off? Does this have anything to do with your fire?" He said exhaustedly.

"Yes. Although I've never actually done this before..." He smiled awkwardly. Dipper frowned at him. "Hey, you got any better ideas, genius?"

Dipper shrugged then winced at his shoulder. "I'm pooped."

"Don't forget. We're in the middle of the ocean. You have two options. One you rest here and when you get will be too late. Or two, you rest when I get you back home." Kronos said standing up now.

Dipper thought for a minute then spoke. "If you say you can take me back via your fire....won't that burn me in the process?"

"Eh. Just stay away from my hands and feet." He smirked and held out his hands. Fires torched from his palms and hovered him over the sand. His feet also had jets of fire coming out of the bottoms. He looked like Iron Man except without all the fancy gadgets and suit. "Climb on, Mr. Pines." He insisted.

Dipper reluctantly got on his back as he lowered himself down to reach. When he was holding on as tight as he could, Kronos launched himself up from the island straight through the air. As they flew, Dipper didn't feel very safe at all. Kronos kept losing strength in the fires and they descended multiple times. "Don't worry, Mr. Pines. I' it under control." Kronos said sounding exhausted.

Dipper groaned and looked around. They were going pretty fast for just two guys flying over the ocean. He looked up and saw a commercial airliner flying the same direction they were. "Kronos! Up there!" Kronos looked up and seemed to light up with anticipation. He flew them up straight at it and slowed down as they flew around the circumference to its emergency exit hatch. Kronos smacked it and Dipper threw it open. They both fell inside and shut it to very startled passengers. Dipper assumed they couldn't see Kronos and went along like it was just him.

"Sorry folks. I just uh.....Just checking the wings...." He said getting up and running to the back. Kronos rolled his eyes and followed. Dipper found a stewardess. "S'cuse me, ma'am. Can you uh...remind me where the plane's headed? I've some memory loss."

"Oh not to worry. This plane's headed for Seattle, Washington. We'll be there in about three hours." She said in a chipper mood.

"Oh ok. Seattle. Right. Thank you." Dipper said.

"Seattle's not that far from your home...but you should probably not go there..." Kronos said.

"What? Why not? What's happened?" Dipper asked him. They found two vacant seats and sat down.

"When your wife saw on the news what happened in Guam, she was....heartbroken. But I knew something....that organization that attacked you...they're global. They call themselves the Blind Eye and they worship evil beings like Cipher. They're targeting everyone who destroyed him and stopped that hostile takeover in 2012...including you and your entire family." Kronos said.

Dipper looked awful. It could've been the air sickness....or the news.

"Don't worry. I got your wife and Markus far from any of their threat. They should be in Seattle by now." Kronos reassured him.

"Mabel and Mermando live in Seattle. They'll help." Dipper said. "That just leaves Ty, Rory, and the gang from Gravity Falls. If we're going to have to unite them all together to stop this...we're gonna need everyone....and you, Kronos."

"Wait, me too?" Kronos said a little excitedly. "I thought you didn't trust me."

"I didn't when I met you, but after all that and you saving my butt over and over. I think you've earned a place with us." Dipper smiled. "Welcome aboard." He held out his hand.

Kronos smiled back and shook his hand. "This is exciting. Hearing about what you and your family did in 2012 gives me goose bumps every time. To be considered one of you is....the greatest thing that's ever happened to me. Apart from becoming your guardian angel."

"It's an honor having you as my guardian angel. You kick serious butt." Dipper said. He turned to a more serious mood. "Now. We need to talk more about what's this 'Blind Eye' want with us. What's their connection to Bill Cipher?"

"Bill Cipher is one of six hundred and sixty six demons that come from the darkest reaches of the universe. He's one of the most powerful. The leaders of these demons are the council of darkness. They control all things evil. Bill Cipher was given his power through their vote. He was their most respected. They gave him power of dreams but it came with the curse you know about. He's weak outside of the dream world."

"There are three others like him with their own powers. the rest of the demons are just an army of creatures. The three demons, Cipher's brothers all have their own powers. Cryptis, the youngest, is demon of invention. Technology if you will. He can possess any piece of technology and use it for his own nefarious purposes."

"Atbash, the middle child apart from Cipher, is the demon of life. Ironically, despite the name, he can control any living thing like a puppet...but he only goes for monsters. He creates them in their dimension or controls the ones on Earth. You remember the shape-shifter? That wasn't created by Stanley Pines alone. He made a deal with the demon on a day he didn't know to not trust them. You see how that went out."

"And finally, Caesar, the eldest. Demon of the elements. He controls...well, the elements. Plus, he's the biggest pain in my-"

"Hello, sir. Would you like something to eat?" The stewardess said with her cart.

"Uh. No thank you, ma'am." Dipper said. She smiled and left. "So these guys who sound a lot like the Society of the Blind Eye worship these six hundred sixty six demons?"

"Yeah. Exactly. Well, they prefer the four most powerful demons...because they reward them for obeying their commands." Kronos said.

"How do they summon them?" Dipper asked.

"They are never successful. The angels always stop them beforehand. But they've tried various methods like chanting backwards with a circle drawn in candles around, or building full-on portals with dangerous results....for them at least. They've never worked. Classic." Kronos said.

"Can't we just have angels wipe them all out?" Dipper said.

"It's against our oaths to kill people unless they threaten our guarded families. If anyone can slaughter them mindlessly, it's me.....but I don't do that. Especially not now because they may be threatening the Pines. But none of you are legitimately in danger at the moment." Kronos said. "Besides. Like I said, I've been trying to not mindlessly kill with no mercy. I've been trying to work on that."

"Attention. We will be landing shortly. Please strap in and prepare yourselves to land. Welcome to Seattle, Washington, USA. Thank you for flying with us." The announcer said. Dipper finally felt relaxed despite the day he's been having.

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