Chapter 3 - The Newcomer - Part 2

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"Mr. and Mrs. Pines?" A doctor asked for as he walked in to the waiting room. Dipper was doing everything he could to keep Pacifica ok. They were both breathing heavily. Dipper stood up and walked her over to the doctors. "Don't worry, you two. It's our job." A nurse tried to calm them down as they made their way to the room. They had Dipper wait while they changed Pacifica into a hospital gown.

"Mr. Pines." One doctor spoke to him in the hall. "Would you like to wait in the waiting room? It will move by much better if you're not present. We need Mrs. Pines to focus."

That seemed like a very stupid idea. Dipper wouldn't distract Pacifica. If anything, he'd help her focus. He needed to see this happen. He needed to be there. "Actually...Is it ok if I wait beside her? I really feel I need to be with her when it happens."

"Sure thing. Just make sure she's focused on us and what we have to say." The doctor said. He opened the door to Pacifica now laying down on the bed with doctors and nurses examining her.

"Hey Dip." She said happily. "You gonna be in the waiting room?"

Dipper walked to the less busy side of her bed next to her. "No. I'm staying with you every step of the way." She smiled.

"Ok. Ms. Pines, we need you to take deep breaths." The doctor said. "Get me aesthetic. She's gonna need something to numb it." He told a nurse.

Dipper knew what he meant and showed Pacifica the right breathing technique. She went along with him. This seemed to give the doctors more trust in him being there. "You're gonna be ok, Paz." He told her. The doctors worked faster as she groaned in pain. Dipper let her hold his hands and he put his face close to hers.

"Ok. Get it out." The doctor stood at the end and Pacifica screamed. Her teeth clenched as she squeezed Dipper's hand. They stayed close together until her screams subsided and were replaced by another scream, a much younger scream of their first breath. Dipper looked up and took the child from them as they cleaned it up. "It's a boy. Congratulations."

Dipper cried as he held the child in his arms. The baby calmed down as he handed him to Pacifica. She grabbed him tightly and lovingly kissed him all over. "He's perfect. So beautiful." She cried.

Dipper wiped away his tears and cuddled his family. "He is..." He cried more.

"We're parents, Dip. Look at him." She cried and held both her boys. "I got two boys to love."

The baby moved his head up and barely opened his eyes. Dipper smiled. "What should his name be?"

"You can name him if you want." Pacifica said mesmerized by his little face.

"No no. You deserve to name him after all you've done." Dipper said.

"We'll just say you named him.....Markus." She smiled. The baby cooed in her arms in response.

"Markus. I love it." Dipper said happily.

Every time Markus moved, he made a little grunt. Drool streaming from his little mouth and Pacifica lifted him up to clean him. "He's so cute, Dip."

Dipper looked at Markus' face and smiled. "He really is." Markus' eyes opened for the first time.

"Oh Dip! Look!" She smiled. He had big light blue eyes like Pacifica but a combined color of his and Pacifica's hair. Brown and blonde hair mixed to a reddish orange hair like Ron Weasley. Dipper and Pacifica sat cheek to cheek in Markus' eyes. He started crying that he wasn't closer and Pacifica pulled him in to a hug, his head resting up on her chest. "He must be hungry." Dipper pulled away for her to have privacy. Pacifica smiled and placed Markus under her gown to feed.

Dipper kissed his wife's cheek before walking out to the waiting room. There sat Mabel, Tyrone, Mermando, Rory, and a few others. "Guys? Oh wow! You came!"

"Of course we came!" Mabel said hugging him.

"I'd figure that...but how did you find out?" Dipper asked.

"My buddy works here. He's a male nurse and told me via text that you and Pacifica were here." Ty said joining the hug.

"So is it true?! Am I an aunt?!" Mabel asked pulling away.

Dipper nodded happily. Ty hugged him again. During the year, He and Rory had gotten married and had been trying to get her pregnant since. They wanted to be parents as much as they wanted to be married. Mermando proposed to Mabel and they're scheduled to be married in the winter, at Christmas time. Soos and Melody were there with their two kids running around and playing with the toys in the waiting room.

"Can we come in?" Mabel asked.

"Well, Paz is feeding the baby. When she's done, I can let a few in at a time." Dipper said.

"Is it a boy or girl? What's their name?" Ty asked. Rory stood beside him just as excited.

"It's a boy." Dipper said proudly.

They all grew excited. "His name?" Mabel asked impatiently.

"Markus Pines. We'll talk about the middle name later." Dipper said.

"Dipper! They can come see!" Pacifica yelled from the room.

"Heck yeah!" Mabel ran in as Mermando chased after her. Ty and Rory looked at each other smiling and followed. Dipper waved to the rest of the recognized people.

Pacifica was done nursing Markus and was now burping him against her shoulder. "Come in, you guys!" She said smiling. Mabel smiled big and walked as close as she could.

"Markus, huh? He's so cute! Oh, my gosh!" Mabel said. "Is it ok if I hold him?"

"Thank you. Yeah. Sure." Pacifica kissed Markus and handed him to Mabel who held him against herself.

"Hi there! I'm Mabel. I'm your Aunt Mabel!" She told him. He looked up at her and opened his toothless mouth. "So friggin' cute!"

Dipper admired how much everyone loved his and Pacifica's baby. He appreciated how many people care. After about an hour, everyone left. The doctors all left to. Markus was taken away to be cleaned and taken care of while Dipper sat at Pacifica's side the whole time. "You did good, Paz. He's gorgeous."

"Please. We did good....No, not even that. I just let him grow inside me for nine months. YOU did good! You took care of my every whim even when I got on your nerves. Thank you for everything." She said.

"Aww. Honey, I'll always be here for you. It's my job and I knew well of what was in store when I decided to marry you." Dipper said. He kissed her and she kissed back.

A doctor returned to them when they were done. "Uh. Mr. and Mrs. Pines? You have another visitor."

Dipper turned and looked at the doctor. "Who? Who are they?"

"Well I'm not sure. He asked for your name, Pines and addressed himself as....Kronos."

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